Example sentences of "set [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For it will set aside a conviction whenever it appears unjust or unsafe to allow the verdict to stand because some failure has occurred in observing the conditions which , in the court 's view , are essential to a satisfactory trial , or because there is some feature of the case raising a substantial possibility that , either in the conclusion itself , or in the manner in which it has been reached , the jury may have been mistaken or misled .
2 The court will set aside a decision if it is taken by someone who is not or can not be appointed as the expert .
3 I shall set aside a part of each day to think about you . ’
4 Holidaymakers should set aside a day for the glass-bottomed boat trips to Walt Disney World in the lost city of Orlando , where the spires of Cinderella 's Castle rise majestically above the waves .
5 However , the court can also still remit or set aside an arbitration award , under s22 and s23 of the Arbitration Act 1950 , and this continues to be a relatively frequently exercised right .
6 Smoking a cigarette will not normally set off a smoke alarm .
7 The government , claiming that granting the pilots ' wage demand would set off a wage explosion and damage the economy , expressed its support for the airlines and took unprecedented steps to break the strike .
8 These areas of flexibility need to be defined very carefully and the possible options spelled out as far as possible , for in a tightly knit plan a sudden deviation at one point can set off a chain reaction of confusion throughout the plan .
9 Humiliating and unrealistic conditions should set off an alarm in the coalition 's collective head : they carry echoes from 1919 of Versailles , the treaty that ended ‘ the war to end all wars ’ and brought Europe , and the world , a new era of instability .
10 Thus the electrons and positrons will set up a kind of sonic boom , or shock wave , in the electromagnetic field .
11 He 's an expert on the buildings history and if the building is bought up and say , converted to offices , would like one or 2 rooms put by so he can set up a museum of psychiatry .
12 We could set up a Follets here .
13 Councillor Seamus Rogers of the Workers Party felt that the County Council should set up a sub-committee to look into the issue , while Councillor Brian Gallagher said they should get experts down to the area quickly to issue a ‘ statement that this will not be detrimental in the long term ’ .
14 You also have , I 'm gon na set up a sub-committee called the Form sub-committee to meet after Christmas er , to review this work , once it 's been done and decide what to do with the , all the other forms that are n't versions .
15 And for regular savings we can easily set up a standing order .
16 A FATHER whose son was killed in a road accident has helped set up a support network in the North West for the families of other victims .
17 ‘ They might not set up a road block , ’ said Jean , biting her lip .
18 If my right hon. Friend succeeds in gaining enough support for his efforts , the European Community will set up a framework of support and it will be up to individual countries to decide , within that framework , how they wish to use the funds .
19 The Labour government will set up a Defence Diversification Agency to assist workers , communities and companies affected by change .
20 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
21 Mr Patten even mused that the Conservative Party might set up a think-tank on the lines of Germany 's Konrad Adenauer Stiftung , the research arm of the governing Christian Democrats .
22 ‘ If they think they can set up a squad at three months ’ notice , they 're sadly mistaken .
23 The governing body must set up a selection panel and the post of headteacher or deputy headteacher has to be advertised nationally .
24 Leaving this aside for the moment though , let us set up a contrast between the two as follows :
25 ‘ The Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust told me how we could set up a clinic to register as many people as possible , ’ said Mr Griffiths .
26 Remember to reduce speed on downhill stretches and to watch in the mirror for traffic which may be about to overtake , and which could therefore set up a swing .
27 Under the Industrial Courts Act of 1919 the minister may set up a court of enquiry into a trade dispute .
28 As Lesley Bell , director of Joint Initiative for Community Care , says : ‘ It is absolutely crazy that anyone can set up a home care agency with no form of regulation whatsoever .
29 Almost anyone can set up a telephone information service .
30 Anyone who can train a suitable bird can set up a falconry centre , but the birds themselves are expensive to buy and to maintain , so it 's not a hobby to be undertaken lightly .
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