Example sentences of "picking up his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She took a deep breath , gathered herself , the room settled ; Giles was tucking his pile of books under his arm , picking up his briefcase .
2 He turned , picking up his briefcase .
3 You are my wife , ’ he 'd added firmly , picking up his briefcase and preparing to leave the apartment .
4 said Luke , picking up his stick .
5 Picking up his stick , he banged three times on the ceiling .
6 She demurred a little when he said , picking up his teacup , and looking at her over the top of it , ‘ You never answered my question , Miss McAllister .
7 Len now rose from the bed and began his packing , while Joe , picking up his cap , looked at him for a moment , then said , ‘ Well , be seeing you . ’
8 ‘ Ah — now that is serious , ’ he said , picking up his shirt and reluctantly easing it over the traces of tomato pulp .
9 I 'm not here to be a dolly , dabbing his temples with eau de cologne and picking up his wife 's laundry .
10 Shadow of another world , he wrote , and Goldberg , picking up his pen , wiping his forehead , wrote in the margin , infinite slimness , fourth dimension .
11 Sex the night before picking up his pen apparently impaired his literary powers .
12 Maybe he was putting the receiver down and picking up his pen to write a quick note instead , handing it to his secretary to pop in the post , saying ‘ Mind you do n't forget that one , it 's rather urgent . ’
13 Picking up his cider he asked : ‘ What 's an ‘ Old Peculiar ’ ? ’
14 Picking up his suitcase he headed towards the back staircase .
15 He sighed , and picking up his cloak , swung it about him .
16 ‘ I might have expected such an answer from you , McAllister ; it fits in with the general picture , ’ said Dr Neil angrily , picking up his cane .
17 ‘ And now I 've given my message , ’ said Joe , standing up and picking up his hat .
18 He kept her hand imprisoned beneath his for an endless moment before carefully removing it and picking up his wine glass .
19 After we 've signed the visitors ' book , he reproaches my husband for picking up his bag : ‘ We have a bag-carrying service . ’
20 ‘ I 'll come , ’ had answered the doctor , picking up his bag from the hall table .
21 ‘ Oh , yes , yes ; in fact — ’ He dropped his head now and , picking up his pudding spoon , he traced it round his empty plate before he said , ‘ I 'm going to volunteer . ’
22 I was watching someone else picking up his post , a nice-looking man with a stoop , and he was reading his letters and he came to one where he cried bitterly .
23 There was a momentary silence as she averted her gaze again , and she was aware of him picking up his coffee-cup and drinking .
24 Right at the last minute , as the cameras were due to roll , the director spotted that Beesley had managed to insinuate himself to the ship 's rail ; picking up his megaphone , he instructed the amateur imposter kindly to disembark .
25 " Okay , I 'm ready , " said the senator , picking up his rifle .
26 The last of the rum went down his throat , and picking up his hammer he came towards me .
27 He vaulted cleanly through the open window , brushed his hair back and sauntered around Stefan 's room , picking up his record book , his razor , his hat .
28 ‘ He is putting on weight and picking up his strength and can sit up on his own for a couple of seconds .
29 ‘ It 's going to rain , ’ said Otley , trying his hearth rug on and picking up his dustbin lid .
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