Example sentences of "excluded from [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Several prominent firms engaged in genetic manipulation for the agricultural and food industries have been excluded from participation in the venture .
2 Stratification can also weaken social integration by giving members of the lower strata a feeling of being excluded from participation in the larger society .
3 The target beneficiary was the salaried ‘ family man ’ who , by reason of earning more than the £250 limit applied to non-manual workers , was excluded from participation in the new 1925 contributory state scheme , under which a retirement pension became payable at 65 and a modest pension became available to widows of any age ( Groves , 1983 , p. 41 ) .
4 Groups may be included or excluded from participation in the system .
5 All about Keswick he had noticed gangs of men building the giant reaches of drystone walls enclosing even the highest fell-land , the better to take advantage of grain prices in the war ; gangs of men working the woods , as charcoal-burners , swill-makers , coppice-workers , plain woodmen ; and , as here , men in the high mines — men spread all over the landscape , bondmen of industry , all living out near their workplace , turf huts and teepees scattered abroad , excluded from society throughout the week of their work and let into its comforts and pleasure only for a brief Saturday night escape .
6 Agricultural produce and game are excluded from liability under the Act unless it has undergone an ‘ industrial process ’ giving it ‘ essential characteristics . ’
7 Other lesser interests and associations continued to exist but they were excluded from influence in crucial areas of public policy and were left out in the political cold .
8 When pressed on this , one member of the team assured us that schools were by no means excluded from consideration on these grounds , but we may speculate that members ' own positions regarding comprehensive reorganisation will have played some part .
9 The moral problem arises from Beccaria 's insistence that all personal characteristics of offenders and circumstances of their offences should be excluded from consideration in determining punishments .
10 After a review both the trade and Customs accept that the current legal framework continues to provide a broadly satisfactory distinction between categories that are and are n't excluded from zero-rating for food , Customs said — even though originally there was concern over confusion about the correct interpretation of food products ‘ obtained by the swelling of cereals ’ .
11 In 1988 and 1989 , increasing numbers of secondary school students found them-selves excluded from school on a variety of pretexts , including failing their matriculation exams and political activism ( see Chapter 13 ) .
12 On the other hand , the membership of corporate bodies may be excluded from knowledge of , or control over , the process of cooperation and bargaining .
13 Of course we can not be excluded from progress within the Community .
14 Postgraduate education was excluded from eligibility for LEA discretionary grants ( it had been eligible under the 1962 Education Act ) .
15 If a noble was excluded from favour at court , his dependants might look elsewhere for a patron , and the noble 's following would thus be weakened .
16 It is now clearly established as a principle of good practice that parents should be invited to attend case conferences , although they may be excluded from part of the proceedings .
17 It should be noted at this point that all broadcasting in the colonial territories was initiated and administered by the colonial governments : the private entrepreneur has been virtually excluded from broadcasting on the African continent .
18 Even innocent parties were excluded from court until 1887 .
19 And some of the people who had motives were excluded from suspicion by lack of opportunity .
20 Thus the EC Commission and Council , not content with amending the Consumer Credit Directive to specify the equation which must be satisfied for a correct statement of the annual percentage rate of charge and the items that are to be excluded from computation of the total charge for credit , threaten a further Directive prescribing a single mathematical formula for calculating the A P R. But why ?
21 Even if upward social mobility amongst non-political elites is possible , the absence of any alternation of political parties in power may also breed anti-system frustration amongst the leadership groups of minorities that are permanently excluded from access to governmental power .
22 Many lone mothers are excluded from employment by lack of jobs , lack of child care , and negative attitudes towards working mothers , and few lone mothers receive regular maintenance .
23 My young friend Ed Douglas is wrong in assuming that Victor Saunders is excluded from hero-candidacy by virtue of his Gordonstoun education , but right in suggesting its irrelevance ( April issue ) .
24 Excluded from power by the new king who understandably distrusted them , discredited by their connexion with the defeated Jacobites , the Tories as a significant Parliamentary group soon ceased to exist .
25 For example , territorially based regional parties may adopt secessionist strategies or ‘ micro-nationalism ’ , whilst parties organizing ethnic groups or social classes excluded from representation in government may adopt ‘ ghetto politics ’ and refuse to participate in the political system .
26 Following the Restoration he was considered sufficiently dangerous and obnoxious to be listed as one of the twenty non-regicides whose property was to be forfeit and who were excluded from office in perpetuity .
27 She sees women as excluded from language by their own nature , rather than by masculinity , and interprets this positively , as a concomitant of their pleasurable immuring in their bodies .
28 Mortimer , who dominated the council , wielded power with no more tact and delicacy than had the Despensers or Edward II ; Henry of Lancaster , Mortimer 's erstwhile ally , was excluded from policy-making in 1328 , and in 1330 the earl of Kent was accused of conspiracy and summarily executed , much to the alarm of the other nobles .
29 Under this system of economic production , even though a merchant class was able to find a niche for itself by providing loans and commodities for kings , princes and noble landowners , this class was largely excluded from control over the state , which was dominated by increasingly absolutist kings and their royal entourage of lords and nobles .
30 Philip James Cattlin ( ACA ) of 97 Judd Street , London having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 17 March 1992 and 15 September 1992 being sole proprietor of a firm of Chartered Accountants , failed to cause that firm to comply with an order of the Disciplinary Committee made on 17 March 1992 that it pay costs in the sum of £500 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 14 August 1992 and 15 September 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 14 August 1992 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) and in that he in London between 19 May 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to satisfy a judgment of the County Court that he pay a sum of £5,634 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 7 January 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning a judgment of the County Court was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
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