Example sentences of "recommended that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was recommended that criminal charges be filed in such cases .
2 ACAS has long recommended that criminal offences outside employment should not be treated as automatic reasons for dismissal .
3 The Ryan Report also recommended that annual returns should be filed within 14 days of the agm , rather than the current 60 days .
4 " This Meeting being informed that Cart Drivers are very inattentive as to their Conduct upon the road with Carts It is now recommended that all Travellers upon the road shall take to the Left in all situations , and that when a Traveller upon the road shall loose a shew of his horse , the Parochial Blacksmith shall be obliged to give preference to the Traveller . "
5 It is therefore recommended that all employees , particularly those in a data-processing capacity , be required to take at least two consecutive weeks ' holiday , ideally including a month-end or quarter-end .
6 The Law Commission provisionally recommended that mere displays of force should be excluded from the offence , largely , it would seem , since there were several other offences by which such behaviour could be prosecuted , and because there were no modern prosecutions for this form of the offence ‘ save in quite exceptional circumstances . ’
7 For rebuilding , it was recommended that existing clauses governing the height and site coverage of buildings should be reviewed ; a revised table of heights and angles of set-back was put forward and a new code of daylighting adopted .
9 The work of advice agencies was praised and it was recommended that public funds should be available for their development .
10 It is to be recommended that full reasons are given to the third party solicitor .
11 It is recommended that several microscopes meeting the criteria outlined above should be tried , using a fairly dull CL subject such as a sandstone sample , before deciding on one which will be dedicated to the CL equipment .
12 Meanwhile the State Services Co-ordinating Commmittee has recommended that secondary schools be run by higher-paid managers instead of the traditional principals , with the right to sack teachers and determine their pay .
13 It was recommended that three acres of this ground should be purchased .
14 In a report launched in May , Organising for Safety , it was recommended that organisational factors be given the same emphasis as equipment failure and individual human error when considering safety .
15 It is recommended that these facilities are constrained to run while the machine is lightly loaded in order that interactive usage is not impacted ; eg. overnight running .
16 It is recommended that these entries be defined by the individual organisation .
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