Example sentences of "struck [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He often struck me as the kind of wide boy one found in England right after the war , people who made deals of the spivvier sort and did n't care who went down as long as they went up .
2 His speech struck me as the feeblest of the day .
3 What struck me about the Frankensteins was their youth , the father excepted , of course .
4 But Szasz 's observation struck me with the force of revelation .
5 It never struck me at the time .
6 It struck me at the time that there was something rather apt about such a pedestrian people developing such a pedestrian means of covert assassination — ’ He broke off to laugh at his own pun .
7 That was his word , and it struck me at the time that it was extreme language for a man of his temperament .
8 What struck me at the time about the " battle " between Bennett and Slessor was that Bennett acted as an agent for his C-in-C as well as in his , own personal interest .
9 This was the first time I 'd been into a prison and a number of things struck me during the day .
10 The thought never struck me during the game , though a few did start shouting for him .
11 Can be proved by describing the duty being performed , e.g. ‘ I said to John Brown ‘ You are being arrested for conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ and was just about to hold his arm and caution him when he struck me in the face with his left fist etc . ’
12 The romance of the French Foreign Legion struck me in the same way , and especially the exhibits from Kolwezi and Chad , where there were photographs of camouflaged paras with shaved heads and sunglasses helping starving babies .
13 Lindsay Kemp : ‘ David Bowie struck me from the very beginning as being very versatile and very ‘ up-front ’ and not in the least bit naîve .
14 So the king 's son climbed the mountain , pulled out his three golden hairs , and struck them with the latchstring .
15 They struck you on the head and left you locked inside .
16 What struck one about the campaign was how un-Thatcherite the Tory leaders sounded .
17 She felt as astonished as if the older woman had got out of her chair suddenly , and struck her across the face .
18 The kitchen and the one spare bedroom were constantly , noisily occupied , the doorbell rang at all hours , and once , answering it , a man she had never seen struck her on the side of the head with an empty bottle and told her to leave his wife alone .
19 As she was kneeling to get some tools out of a cupboard he struck her on the head with a hammer , apparently on the impulse of the moment , and then stole a wallet which he found in the house .
20 She began again to caress him ; rose to sit kittenishly in his lap , but she was as clumsy at this babying as she was grand at being leopardine , and he found it possible this time to check his lust ; she bent to blow on his neck and ear , as he liked her to do , but he twisted sharply to avert his head , and struck her on the upper arm to beat her off , and then without another word , his face blazing with the effort of his denial , he turned and left her .
21 Both men looked at her , and the expression on Dr Neil 's face struck her to the heart .
22 ‘ He struck her in the face and told her to move over .
23 The only mishap was that in forcing himself through the gap , he nudged the twig and the falling window struck him on the head .
24 Tony Greig obviously was n't seeing the situation as I was and bowled him a bouncer first ball , which struck him on the point of the elbow .
25 I picked up a fallen branch , and as he passed I struck him on the head .
26 Albuin , little knowing he was the king 's son , unsheathed his sword and struck him on the head …
27 PC Brown struck him on the head with his truncheon in a bid to restrain him .
28 Rex suddenly sobered to the rifle butt which struck him between the shoulder blades .
29 The rain struck him across the face like a whiplash as he fought to keep the bike upright and driving for the protection of the leeward bank .
30 There was a vicious crack like a pistol-shot and the lash struck him across the back , splitting open the shirt , tearing the skin .
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