Example sentences of "sharing [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Silent serial recall of similar-sounding words ( homophones ) or signs sharing the same handshape ( non-homophones in English ) was used as a base for considering the effect of overt rehearsal either in sign ( into sign ) , or in words ( into words ) .
2 * Work together with other employers sharing the same workplace .
3 The side-effect of enhanced choice is thus to diminish the number of people sharing the same broadcasting experience — splitting radio listeners between fans of Simon Mayo or Chris Tarrant , and TV viewers between Sky Movie subscribers and ITV/BBC1 devotees .
4 One quick piece of programming later and a game that was remarkably similar to the original film , and sharing the same name , hit the shelves .
5 Univel Inc and its Novell Inc parent are sharing the same order entry system .
6 Other definitions propose that it is derived from the O.E. Heall , meaning Hall Manor or Heallgemot , the court of the Lord of the Manor , or as in Heallingas , Comrades sharing the same hall .
7 As before , she was meltingly aware of the romance of two people , side by side , shoulder almost touching shoulder , breathing the same air , sharing the same journey towards the inevitable dawn .
8 Often , you may find larvae of other kinds of insect sharing the same gall .
9 Sharing the same bed when the spark between you has gone has a particular pathos ’ , he wrote .
10 So , he had been winding her up about their sharing the same bed , amusing himself at her expense !
11 The SAWS points to cases where outstanding women associates are passed over by younger , less experienced men sharing the same school tie .
12 I think the wives found it to their benefit to get amongst other wives who were sharing the same problems you know , how to pay the bills , how to buy food , and I think they seemed to get organized pretty well , they certainly helped us a hell of a lot .
13 By the time the children have grown up , the marital relationship can be very empty , often extending little further than sharing the same house .
14 THORN HOUSE ( North facing ) is a good example of a small ‘ long house ’ , with man an animals sharing the same roof .
15 Sharing the same estimate of $25–30,000 ( £14–17,000 ) are two books printed in Naples between 1486 and 1487 : a Book of Job , with a commentary by Levi Ben Gershon , and a Book of Proverbs , with a commentary by Immanuel Ben Yakov Shlomo .
16 The largest of Spain 's beautiful , sub-tropical Canary Islands , Tenerife basks under a hot sun just two hundred miles off the coast of Africa , sharing the same latitude as Florida and California .
17 We 're staying at the same hotel and sharing the same table , you see .
18 On a visit to Portugal , the royal couple attract more attention when they officially stop sharing the same sleeping quarters .
19 Close ties with Performance Fabrics remain and apart from sharing the same site Tygavac buys in about 20 per cent of its products from the Courtaulds Aerospace company .
20 By 1989 there was only one regular instance of Speedlink and Freightliner traffic sharing the same train , this being a service between Bristol and Coatbridge , but the organisation had already begun marketing its two products as complementary rather than competing systems , itself an important step forward in the history of Railfreight .
21 So essentially antagonistic class interests sharing the same region find themselves allying with each other in their mutual self-interests .
22 Of these possible reward systems the most potent , overall behaviours are goal congruence ( sharing the same goals as the organization ) and job satisfaction .
23 We have continued to live in the house as father and son as before , sharing the same facilities , and the house is not separated in any way .
24 There are also job share schemes , with two people sharing the same job to fit in with collecting children from school and home working is being developed with the aid of technology .
25 Table 6.8 is an example of the many such rules which can be constructed ; variants sharing the same specification with respect to the feature [ low ] are conflated , so that patterns of variation on this dimension may be examined in each community in a range of phonetic environments .
26 He made her sharply and joyously aware that he wanted her not as a submissive toy , but as a full partner in their lovemaking , sharing the same ardour , the same urgency .
27 We noted the grim approaches ; incessant traffic noise in narrow streets ; parked vehicles hemming in the pavement ; rubbish dumps on waste land nearby ; the absence of green playing spaces on or near the school sites ; tiny playgrounds ; gaunt looking buildings ; often poor decorative conditions inside ; narrow passages ; dark rooms ; unheated and cramped cloakrooms ; unroofed outside lavatories ; tiny staff rooms ; inadequate storage space with consequent restrictions on teaching materials and therefore methods ; inadequate space for movement and P.E. ; meals in classroom ; art on desks ; music only to the discomfort of others in an echoing building ; non-soundproof partitions between classes ; lack of smaller rooms for group work ; lack of spare room for tuition of small groups ; insufficient display space ; attractive books kept unseen in cupboards for lack of space to lay them out ; no privacy for parents wishing to see the head ; sometimes the head and his secretary sharing the same room ; and , sometimes all around , the ingrained grime of generations .
28 Molecules are sharing the same body with their remote molecular cousins .
29 These segments can be viewed as descriptions of sets of phonemes ( i.e. those sharing the same manner of articulation ) .
30 ‘ I think other things are more important than sharing the same profession .
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