Example sentences of "enables he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He will drill small holes and insert an endoscope , a thin optical instrument with a light at one end which enables him to inspect the cavity .
2 His readiness to acknowledge that God is all things to all men enables him to support the Dvaitin or Dualist , and Viśi ādvaitin or qualified non-Dualist positions as well as maintaining his own preference for Advaita or non-Dualism .
3 Main picture For luthier Arthur Robb playing the instrument is a vital part of producing it : this enables him to check the sound quality and make any necessary final adjustments .
4 In ‘ Jimmy Munro 's Troubles ’ ( Ex. 1.8 ) Corvan uses the banality of its phrasing , repetitions , sequences and harmonic structure to help construct a mock-simpleton persona which enables him to cloak the bite of his social criticism in humour ; he plays at ‘ acting the fool ’ , in tortuous verbal constructions and juxtapositions of the serious and the trivial — just as the ‘ Bow , Wow , Wow ’ song originally did — but the real problems of railway accidents , rent and ragged clothes turn the joke around .
5 He possesses the Spirit of God 's Son , which makes him a son of God , and enables him to utter the family cry to God as ‘ Abba ’ .
6 Freud 's model of the collective evolution of some parts of humanity from archaic responses , found in religions , to more rational and reality-based responses , found in science and technology , may be little more than a description of what has happened , but it enables him to avoid the position of cultural relativism and its logical extension — nihilism .
7 And unless someone possesses unique powers of extrasensory perception which enables him to influence the balls in the caller 's cabinet , character references are strictly irrelevant to the outcome of the jolly game of life in which eyes look down rather than upward for support .
8 Where , for instance , the characteristics which he attributes to oral communication persist in a society with literacy , and would thus appear to undermine the case for the ‘ intrinsic ’ qualities of literacy , Goody draws a further distinction which enables him to maintain the purity of his ideal model .
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