Example sentences of "allowance be make for " in BNC.

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1 It recommended that the pace of girls ' education be slowed , that physical education reflect the need of girls for ‘ smoothness and expressiveness ’ and of boys for ‘ strength and energy ’ , and that allowance be made for the effect of menstruation , which condemned many girls ‘ to a recurring and temporary diminution of general mental efficiency ’ .
2 The local complications of gonococcal infection can then be predicted from a knowledge of the local anatomy , with appropriate allowance being made for the differences between the sexes .
3 By ‘ real labour costs ’ we mean not just the real wage , but the total cost of employing labour , including the employers ' National Insurance contributions , deflated by an appropriate price index , and with an allowance being made for changes in labour productivity .
4 This calculation will be made on the basis of a broadly equivalent comparable house , that is , one which would broadly provide the same accommodation , due allowance being made for the location , for example , urban versus rural and which is in a location of broadly equivalent quality .
5 The proportion of output given up varied according to such factors as region , land quality and time , some allowance being made for the abundance of the harvest .
6 Even when allowance is made for the authorities ' claim that many complaints are made for propaganda , this pattern is well-established .
7 Even when allowance is made for a certain diversion of effort from new house-building to repair , and for the possibility that the average size of the houses built in 1947–9 is slightly above that of those built in 1934–8 , the contrast remains startling .
8 Even when allowance is made for meagre resources , there seemed often to be a wilful and needless callousness to many of these suburban barracks .
9 If only prudent allowance is made for the loss of Sir Charles 's personal cross-party vote , the participation of three other candidates and the tactical switch of a significant number of Labour supporters , it will be seen that Mr Taylor 's defeat was indeed a close run thing .
10 At first sight it may appear that all the children are doing the same thing but within each group allowance is made for ability and the children follow their own carefully planned programme at their own pace — this is updated regularly .
11 The way in which they are applied has a crucial effect and having determined ratios between chemical and kinetic energy and heat it is important that a full allowance is made for the time required .
12 In addition , allowance is made for deferment of possession , postponement of the work , the appointment of a clerk of works , opening up for inspection , and tests , and there is a much wider determination clause .
13 Yet when all allowance is made for this bias in the evidence , one can not help being struck by the conspicuous part in our story which was played by the Empress Theophanu , the Empress Agnes , the Countess Matilda , St Margaret , the Empress Matilda , Queen Eleanor — great ladies who rose above the limitations of their sex , as commonly understood , as rulers , as saints or as viragos ; and the twelfth century would have been greatly the poorer without the life and work of the English Christina , the Hertfordshire anchoress , or of the French Heloise , the Stoic of the Paraclete , or of the German Hildegarde , the mystic of Bingen .
14 The real cost , if true allowance is made for financing charges and lower utilisation , would appear to be about £18–£20 per hour more than in the USA , i.e. nearly twice as much .
15 When all allowance is made for such factors , it has to be said that as some people get older they do appear to show a marked increase in anxious self-absorption .
16 Using this information it is possible to make a plot of the aircraft 's track over the ground when the necessary calibration and other corrections are made and allowance is made for the effect of wind on the flight path .
17 The experimental observations agree well with this criterion , especially when allowance is made for the transfer of small amounts of fine particles which are swept up into the upper convecting layer across the interface .
18 Moreover , studies of the spectra of the stars can tell us a great deal about their real luminosities , and hence about their distances ; once you know how powerful an object really is , and compare it with its apparent brilliancy , you can work out how far away it must be , provided that due allowance is made for complicating factors such as the absorption of light by material spread thinly through space .
19 I can not , however , accept his statement that ‘ when allowance is made for university posts and the commitment to research there is no indication that London and the south east are better provided for than the United Kingdom . ’
20 Boaden found that Labour councillors have a tendency to favour higher standards , and hence to support larger expenditures by local authorities , even when allowance is made for other contributory factors ( Boaden 1971 : 112 ) .
21 If allowance is made for such births , the proportion of births in 1986 with fathers in social classes I and II falls to 29.6 per cent .
22 Even when due allowance is made for the material advantages of Gloucester 's lordship , there is no doubt of his personal attraction .
23 An allowance is made for unused hotel accommodation in Bangkok .
24 An allowance is made for unused hotel accommodation in Bangkok .
25 When allowance is made for the hours needed for sleep and eating and keeping fit and carrying out Union and Society activities , you would be pardoned for thinking that there are not many left to be used for organising a study programme .
26 An allowance is made for this , but it is insufficient to pay for a school meal .
27 This is how the previous pattern would appear after allowance is made for wind :
28 These are calculated by reference to the regulations and allowance is made for dependants , income tax , national insurance , housing costs , and work expenses .
29 When allowance is made for the rather lower gravity of Venus than of the Earth , and the consequent lower degree of internal compression , then the uncompressed densities of the Earth and Venus would be similar .
30 Yet so much has been written about the wonders of the Roman road system that probably not enough allowance is made for their often poor condition .
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