Example sentences of "intended [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Bank also intended to continue the tax arrangements available to gilt-edged jobbers under the old system :
2 Events after 1969 shows that Nixon intended to continue the use of America 's great influence and power ; but there were to be no more Vietnams .
3 The manager had been held by the Portuguese , but when Bill Baldwin took charge of him the local population , including the Chinese , knew that the Australians intended to continue the war preferring to he the hunters rather than the hunted .
4 Shortly stated , the main issue is whether a school which is over-subscribed so that it can not accept all the applications for admission can adopt religious criteria ( i.e. criteria intended to preserve the character of the school ) in selecting the successful applicants for admission and thereby exempt itself under section 6(3) ( a ) from the duty under section 6(2) to give effect to the preferences expressed by parents whose children do not meet such criteria .
5 His approach to the Celts was deliberate ; he intended to preserve the physiognomy of a world in danger of disappearing .
6 A report by the Nature Conservancy Council has revealed that the Norfolk Broads are being devastated by modern farming methods despite government measures intended to preserve the area .
7 Rites intended to heal the rift in the Imajica , and reconcile the Fifth Dominion with the other four , had gone disastrously awry .
8 The three codes of practice — the first stage in a planned series of codes intended to support the Taxpayer 's Charter — aim to set out the standards of service people can expect .
9 He said he could not return a verdict of unlawful killing because there was no evidence that the builders intended to kill the couple .
10 I must say , it seems quite clear that he intended to kill the DO .
11 We have already remarked that data collection is increasingly prevalent in all kinds of organisation , much of it intended to monitor the performance of the organisation itself .
12 The figure that is used as a multiplier is not a figure intended to replicate the number of years that the dependency would have continued .
13 This response has incorporated the respectable face of feminism , concerned with ‘ equal rights ’ , into its understanding and provision , with a range of initiatives intended to acknowledge the justice of equal opportunities .
14 In the late 1690s the Scottish government gave its support to a proposal intended to enable the country to escape from all its economic problems : a trading company was to be launched which would set up a commercial centre at Darien on the Panama Isthmus .
15 This letter from Mactavish reveals the assumption made in 1926 that it was the WEA 's exclusive duty and responsibility to provide working class education , but had he read the 1926 UEMCC report more searchingly he would have realised that the universities ' role was not merely advisory but intended to promote the development of liberal adult education independently of other providers .
16 SPD officials subsequently confirmed that he intended to remain the party 's candidate for chancellor in the federal elections scheduled for Dec. 2 .
17 A reading of the Act of 1968 , which was based on the draft Bill annexed to the report , leads me to the conclusion that , when using the very words of the draft , Parliament intended to implement the committee 's thinking .
18 The nature of the Guidelines can be illustrated by taking some examples : The Guidelines also set out various features intended to indicate the position which a particular injury should take within the suggested brackets .
19 Among these has been the establishment of the Student Advisory Committee comprised of more than a dozen students from different schools and intended to provide the basis of a national forum for addressing of student concerns and promoting their interests .
20 Mabel Peacock suggests ( Folklore 15 , 1944 ) that as Stamford lay at the junction of Rutland , Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire , perhaps ‘ the men of these shires anciently met by the Welland to observe the traditional rites intended to secure the prosperity of their territories ’ .
21 " We lunched at the Inn at Port Askaig , and being unable to get a hire we secured seats in the post 's gig to cross Islay to Bridgend where was a good Hotel in which we intended to pass the night .
22 Preparations were being made in June to establish a youth organization for the Greens , intended to counteract the erosion of support for the party among the younger voters .
23 The objective of the International Finance Corporation is , on the other hand , intended to encourage the growth of productive private enterprise in less developed countries , particularly where sufficient private capital is not available on reasonable terms .
24 They ( especially women sociologists ) were undertaking empirical research into women 's employment — research intended to redress the image of the male and cloth-capped ‘ worker ’ — but this research was not published until the 1980s ( Cavendish , 1982 ; Pollert , 1981 ) .
25 The Commissioner responsible for Agriculture , Ray McSharry , announced on July 12 that the Commission intended to increase the funding for its controversial " set-aside " scheme , whereby farmers were paid grants to keep farming land out of production , in a further effort to reduce over-production .
26 It was reported in mid-October 1989 that the government intended to increase the privatization of the health services .
27 At the end of May 1969 the Bank curtly announced that the banks had not complied with the earlier request for the attainment of the lower lending ceiling and that therefore the Bank intended to halve the rate of interest payable on special deposits for as long as the banks exceeded the lending ceiling .
28 If it can not be shown that the person uttering the remarks intended to induce his victim to believe that he was about to engage in violence himself , or intended to provoke the object of his remarks into using unlawful violence , what will be termed here the objective conditions come into operation .
29 ‘ There were plenty of verbals intended to frighten the life out of someone , but it disturbs me that Jones is talking proudly about hurting players .
30 There is no way of knowing that the writer intended to write the word books , but by a lexical substitution error wrote boots instead .
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