Example sentences of "occur at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may have come about as a result of a phase of shifting settlement gradually giving way to greater stability , so that when land boundaries ( some of which may have also become parish boundaries ) were formed the earlier settlements may , purely by chance , occur at a distance to later ones and are therefore more likely to lie near boundaries ( see also , Welch 1985 , pp. 18–21 ) .
2 Specific effects which occur at a site remote from the target of partial body irradiation are defined as ‘ abscopal ’ .
3 These changes in form thus occur at a multitude of levels , from the molecular to that of an entire population , and are conserved by genetic transmission .
4 Finally , there 's Sandra After Dark , a cable show that offers a twist on the chat format by inviting guests to drop by , take a few drinks from the topless waitresses , and talk casually , with the kind of natural interruptions that occur at a party .
5 The conflicts that I referred to earlier commonly occur at the level of technique when operation is implemented in dissociation from appraisal , in the form , for example , of prescribed teaching materials which have the appearance of novelty .
6 Some of the clearest indications of Anderson 's vagueness occur at the level of topic-control .
7 Another point to remember is that when weak-form words whose spelling begins with ‘ h ’ ( e.g. ‘ her ’ , ‘ have ’ ) occur at the beginning of a sentence , the pronunciation is with initial h , even though this is usually omitted in other contexts .
8 Induced fractures or cracks occur at the borehole wall as the result of off-loading the stresses during the drilling operation .
9 The constraint that word beginnings only occur at the point where a previous word ends , prevents leave being found in believe and a ring being found in measuring .
10 Styles can only be applied to whole paragraphs , and the formatting details are stored in the markers which occur at the end of each paragraph .
11 Note that all assignments in IF/ALT programs are final ( i.e. occur at the end of a program 's run , just before it terminates ) and made only to free variables .
12 Clarinets and bassoons supply the melodic part of the texture , while the oboes are allotted the reiterated notes , and flutes , horns , and pizzicati strings give weight to the accented chords which occur at the end of each bar and the beginning of the next .
13 All voiced sounds are likely to lose a certain amount of voicing when they occur at the end of a word or at the beginning .
14 The blooms usually occur at the end of the summer if there have been long hot spells and settled weather .
15 So if a word , the word , the cars , occur at the end of a sentence as in erm , I went to the showroom and saw the cars full stop .
16 For many weak-form words , when they occur at the end of a sentence .
17 For example , the word ‘ of ’ has the weak form in the following sentence : ‘ I 'm fond of chips ’ but when it comes at the end of the sentence , as in the following example , it has the strong form : ‘ Chips are what I 'm fond of ’ Many of the words given below ( particularly the first nine ) never occur at the end of a sentence , e.g. ‘ the ’ , ‘ your ’ .
18 Several surveys conducted in hospitals have shown that the majority of accidents occur at the bedside ( Moorat , 1983 ) .
19 The findings were in keeping with what is known : that accidents most frequently occur at the bedside .
20 Use a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 would mean that you think virtually no accidents occur at the junction and 7 would indicate that you think a large number of accidents occur at the junction . ’
21 Use a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 would mean that you think virtually no accidents occur at the junction and 7 would indicate that you think a large number of accidents occur at the junction . ’
22 At the Hemerdon W-Sn deposit near Plymouth , where sheeted veins occur at the apex of a small granite cusp , ore reserves total 42 million tonnes grading 0.18 per cent WO&sub3 ; and 0.02 per cent Sn .
23 Despite some re-absorption nitrogen and energy metabolism due to the increased demands for the synthesis of vital proteins , such as albumin and the immunoglobulins , which occur at the expense of muscle protein and fat deposition .
24 It is , of course , vital to appreciate that the changes described occur at the expense of gain ; the closed-loop gain under negative feedback is always less than the open-loop gain .
25 Bacterial and fungal infections almost always occur at the site of an earlier wound .
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