Example sentences of "sets out [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 I also welcome Amendment twenty-seven which sets out plans for the appointment by the Secretary of State for members of authorities which will have sanction of having to come before Parliament before accepted and I think that again is extremely important .
2 A working party , chaired by Robin Bidwell of the consultancy Environmental Resources , sets out proposals for a scheme to provide ( i ) a framework within which environmental consulting groups can declare their competence for carrying out environmental auditing and ( ii ) a code of practice to be followed when undertaking environmental audits .
3 In 1992 this White Paper was followed up by a consultation document from the Department of Trade and Industry , Abuse of Market Power , which sets out options for reform in the areas currently covered by the Fair Trading Act 1973 and the Competition Act 1980 .
4 Without entering into the substantive details of the agreement or of the 1990 convention for its application , which appears not yet to have entered into force , it may be noted that it sets out rules for crossing the signatory states ' frontiers not just for their own citizens but also for citizens of all EC Member States , and the Convention of Application distinguishes between treatment at the internal and external borders of the signatory states .
5 He objects to the council 's new code of conduct for buskers , which sets out rules for street entertainers .
6 The report , Targets for Coastal Habitat Re-creation , analyses the rate of future loss by type of habitat and by county , and sets out targets for the creation of new habitats to meet English Nature 's objective of maintaining coastal habitats and features , at least at the 1992 level .
7 The text sets out guidelines for coming to a true sense of priorities in the self , not unlike those in Rolle 's Form , and then examines three ways in which man can contemplate God : in nature ( which shows us our place in creation ) , in Scripture ( which teaches the faith ) and on " God self " .
8 There are fears that the proposal could be counter to the Cleveland structure plan , which sets out guidelines for future development .
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