Example sentences of "sit down [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Once I 've managed the stairs I can sit down to work . ’
2 ‘ Do sit down to breakfast , Mr Gargery , ’ said Herbert politely .
3 I was a guest of honour ( ! ) at the Annual Conference Dinner at Torquay , along with , Editor of Private Eye ( and at a guess , it is the only time I shall sit down to dinner with him ! ) .
4 Well I certainly would n't sit down at Christmas dinner with them that 's why
5 And again and again : ‘ We 'd rather sit down in front of the TV , or get a video . ’
6 I might , for Phil , for Phil to wind down , he 'll come in , say we 've been out for a meal or whatever , he 'll come in and he 'll sit down in front of the television .
7 We got out of the coach and walked through the gates to the stares of those gathered on the gravel , and over to a low metal hut in the corner of the compound where we were ordered to go inside and sit down in silence .
8 Supporters are n't happy and today fans in Darlington and Derby , Millwall and Manchester City , West Ham and Hereford , will sit down in protest .
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