Example sentences of "sit [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The efficiency drive may sit uneasily with contractors , yet even Mackenzie concedes Thames has ‘ taken all the right commercial decisions ’ .
2 Normally Charles and Diana would not sit together at state banquets , but their separation last night took on a new poignancy following the official announcement earlier this week that they have split .
3 Michael Morris will sit in for Betty Boothroyd … the first woman Speaker , who was elected last week .
4 Michael Morris will sit in for Betty Boothroyd … the first woman Speaker , who was elected last week .
5 ‘ Once I 've managed the stairs I can sit down to work . ’
6 ‘ Do sit down to breakfast , Mr Gargery , ’ said Herbert politely .
7 I was a guest of honour ( ! ) at the Annual Conference Dinner at Torquay , along with , Editor of Private Eye ( and at a guess , it is the only time I shall sit down to dinner with him ! ) .
8 yeah and like learning my Romeo and Ju I think I might actually sit down on Sunday and learn that cos I 'm gon na be at home but I , it 's quite good I 'll , I 'll see Foxy when I get back in the evening because parents have got ta come back for the parents ' meeting .
9 Well I certainly would n't sit down at Christmas dinner with them that 's why
10 Our basic problem was that there was no way that we could all sit down with Frank and talk about it .
11 the British government should sit down with Gerry Addams .
12 Are you gon na sit down with Ricky and eat them ?
13 They were making so little progress on the Monday that Peter Hickton took the sensible decision and dismissed most of the cast at lunchtime ; he would sit down with Michael Banks and George Birkitt all afternoon and just go through the lines .
14 Or should I perhaps sit down in Salzburg with the empty hope of some better fortune , let Wolfgang grow up , and allow myself and my children to be made fools of until I reach the age which prevents me from travelling and until he attains the age and physical appearance which no longer attract admiration for his merits ?
15 And again and again : ‘ We 'd rather sit down in front of the TV , or get a video . ’
16 I might , for Phil , for Phil to wind down , he 'll come in , say we 've been out for a meal or whatever , he 'll come in and he 'll sit down in front of the television .
17 We got out of the coach and walked through the gates to the stares of those gathered on the gravel , and over to a low metal hut in the corner of the compound where we were ordered to go inside and sit down in silence .
18 Supporters are n't happy and today fans in Darlington and Derby , Millwall and Manchester City , West Ham and Hereford , will sit down in protest .
19 Furthermore such a construction does not sit easily with subsection ( 3 ) which preserves the common law as it existed immediately before the Act which undoubtedly gave parents an effective power of consent for all children up to the age of 21 , the then existing age of consent : see Gillick 's case [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 , 167C , per Lord Fraser of Tullybelton , and at p. 182E , per Lord Scarman .
20 Being the world 's No 1 in the Sony rankings did not sit easily on Woosnam 's shoulders .
21 Above all , there is no easy way of checking on the honesty of an interviewer who might , at worst , sit comfortably at home inventing questionnaire responses .
22 Certainly , such views as these do not sit comfortably with managerialism and are equally at odds with restricted professionality .
23 Does she actually sit up for Dennis ?
24 That 's another ten grand fifteen grand I 'll sit up on top of the bonfire until it gets hot
25 They must sit up in bed , breathing is worse ( < ) lying down .
26 The more inglorious aspects of Morrison 's life and behaviour , and the undignified myth-making indulged in by his ‘ followers ’ are n't concealed , but then Jones does n't exactly run the hoary old rock conceit of romantic self-destruction out of town either : ‘ Humility was a trait which did n't sit well with Morrison ’ is about as heavy as the criticism gets .
27 By methods which did n't sit well in peacetime America .
28 I could sit here for hours , just looking .
29 and er , we had to set it up here and we sit here watching the telly and they 'd sit here for hours
30 ‘ This is a castle , not a cottage , we could sit here in safety for a year . ’
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