Example sentences of "arrived at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A measure of your success in a coaching session is when the subordinate feels the discussion has been between two equals and that together you have arrived at the best course of action .
2 Behind her the two seats were empty , a troublous reminder of where Eddie and Laura had sat side by side when the coach had first set off from Heathrow Airport … had first arrived at the eastern outskirts of Oxford .
3 He had arrived at the forward brigade post three hours earlier .
4 In an interview with La Stampa yesterday , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA chief Carlo De Benedetti condemned the pervasive system of political corruption , which he says obligated Olivetti to pay bribes or lose contracts , as ‘ having reduced Italy to a state worse than the Third World ’ : he says that at the last shareholders meeting earlier this year , he had to deny any bribery because he could n't preview information to the shareholders that was intended for the legal authorities ; he says that facing the judges , he felt liberated from a weight — ‘ then I felt a sense of justice — it pleased me to be there , ’ noting that when the company decided that the demands of the postal service for slush funds became too extreme and Olivetti stopped paying , ‘ we did n't sell another machine to the Post — we had arrived at the absurd point where , if we did n't pay , we did n't work and the moment we quit paying , we did n't work any more ’ .
5 The verderers had arrived at the tumbled stones soon after the moon rose .
6 They had nearly arrived at the first of the longhouses scattered over the hillside , belonging to the families who stayed in Orphir all the year round and cared for the land and the hall on behalf of the Earl .
7 Once he had arrived at the Southern Capital , he had proclaimed his loyalty to the old gods loudly and publicly , disowning the Aten and throwing himself on the mercy of the priests of Amun , who even then were growing bold as the revolutionary pharaoh lost his grip both on reality and his empire .
8 So we have arrived at the following paradox .
9 Erm now , something that puzzled me for quite a long time when I started out doing philosophy of language er one or two years ago erm frequently you hear claims or we hear claims to the effect that this is a logical form of this sentence or this is the structure of this sentence , or this is the semantic structure of this sentence and I was never quite sure what that actually meant erm it 's partly because apart from Davidson , erm a lot of people who write on these issues do n't actually tell you what the background theory is and exactly what the point of the assignment of structured sentences is supposed to be , erm however after thinking about it for a while , I 've arrived at the following following general view there are at least three rather different enterprises er which might lead you to assign sentence structure and er one needs to figure out the relations between them .
10 It appeared to have arrived at the right time .
11 On writing about his perfect country house , Baillie Scott is adamantly opposed to the vulgar and proposes what he considers to be the simple open plan way of life : ‘ Having arrived at the central idea of a hall or living room as the keynote of a home it follows naturally that one must group round this the various other rooms … first the ‘ ladies ’ bower'' , the ‘ ‘ drawing-room' ’ as we now call it .
12 We 've got everyone here and Dalton 's just arrived at the front desk .
13 By this time two fire engines and a police van had arrived at the front entrance .
14 By failing to take this holistic stance and by the adoption of a narrow perspective ( the curriculum ) within a managerial approach dedicated to control , standardisation and output evaluation , the ‘ Great Debate ’ has not arrived at the promised land but has been confined to endless wanderings in the wilderness of the present or indeed the past .
15 When he had first arrived at the then strange , adult world of Carewscourt , he had been delighted to find another boy of his own age living on the estate .
16 During the summer when there was not even a blade of green grass in the paddock , her feed of oats and other goodies became inordinately important to her , to the extent that one day when her dinner had not arrived at the usual time she began to paw at the fence in anxiety .
17 Indeed , when the party had arrived at the bleak airport in Tehran in the middle of Ramadan , hoping to find a government delegation of equal weight , nobody was there to meet them .
18 Now that he had arrived at the wildest part of Britain , he wished to use his adventure in the same spirit as that in which Montaigne wrote his famous Essais — as trials of himself , as investigations of the ideas that arose in the non-stop chatter of his mind .
19 Once they 've arrived at the secret location near Doncaster , they 're placed into the care of the local badger protection group .
20 He had arrived at the precise moment when Elizabeth had begun to sob and then desolately to weep , and all Lydia 's skills , social , sexual and manipulative , had abruptly deserted her .
21 He had arrived at the precise moment when another twist in the plot of a murder weekend was unravelling itself .
22 She did not know exactly how she had arrived at the last overwhelming conviction , only that she had .
23 I 've tried to learn from readers ' comments and , hopefully , have now arrived at the ideal blend of appetite satisfaction combined with gastronomic appeal .
24 If correct — and Samuel says a second Soviet team has independently arrived at the same figure — it lowers the previous estimate by only one per cent .
25 The Collector had independently arrived at the same conclusion by watching the slope above the melon beds where the number of spectators was beginning to increase rapidly .
26 Both companies have arrived at the same answer .
27 Nevertheless we have arrived at the same figures .
28 By early Tuesday afternoon , however , pro-Noriega forces had arrived at the military command headquarters , where General Noriega was apparently being held , and the rebels surrendered .
29 The men had arrived at the empty farmhouse fifteen hours earlier , just as dusk was falling .
30 Saxe-Weimar had arrived at the very nick of time .
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