Example sentences of "staring at [art] ceiling " in BNC.

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1 She 's in bed now , lying on her back and staring at the ceiling .
2 He sucked furiously on the joint , staring at the ceiling .
3 Then you usually lie there just staring at the ceiling , thinking about everything that could go wrong .
4 She stretched out her hand to click on the bedside light , checked her watch , then lay back , panic subsiding , her eyes staring at the ceiling while the terrible immediacy of the dream began to fade , recognized for what it was , an old spectre returning after all these years , conjured up by the events of the night and by the reiteration of the word ‘ murder ’ which , since the Whistler had begun Iris work , seemed to murmur sonorously on the very air .
5 I jumped up on to my bunk and looked at the others sitting around playing cards , arguing with each other or lying on their beds staring at the ceiling .
6 For a long time she imagined she might open the door and see the body of her mother , stretched out in death on her bed , her arms folded across her chest , her eyes still open and staring at the ceiling .
7 In fact , she was staring at the ceiling of the escape pod .
8 The Doctor had been staring at the ceiling for a very long time .
9 ‘ It 's up there , ’ he said , still staring at the ceiling .
10 He quietly closed the door and , leaning his back to it , he dropped his gaze to her upturned face , before tilting his head upwards and staring at the ceiling , his anguished thoughts in turmoil .
11 In shirt and trousers , he lay upon the big brass bedstead , his hands under his head , staring at the ceiling .
12 ‘ Hmm , ’ I said , staring at the ceiling , one finger to my lips .
13 The golden irises of his eyes seemed to have expanded , and with his head held too high he appeared to be staring at the ceiling .
14 After Broadman had left , at a run , the alchemist spent some time staring at the ceiling .
15 The magistrate , staring at the ceiling , asked why the landlord had not remembered this .
16 Gran was still staring at the ceiling .
17 Much later that night , Clare lay in her bed staring at the ceiling .
18 In the brief flare of the lighter she saw he was lying back hands clasped under his head staring at the ceiling .
19 While I was lying there staring at the ceiling counting the number of tiles I heard a girl going ‘ ouch , ouch that hurts ’ , when I looked over she was having difficulty with the needle going in and I noticed she was barely gripping the nice bit of perspex .
20 When he had gone , she turned the light off and lay back on the bed , still in her dress if not her knickers , staring at the ceiling .
21 I think Mr. Mendez wanted to get him on his way before he had time to change his mind ; before he spent another night staring at the ceiling and counting all the reasons why he should n't go to Contention .
22 Rachel groaned as her alarm sounded the following Monday morning and , rolling over , she flicked the button to silence it , then lay for a few minutes staring at the ceiling .
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