Example sentences of "willing accept the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Edward Fenech Adami , the Maltese Prime Minister , said his country was willing to accept the Lockerbie suspects .
2 Although Nizan himself was willing to accept the Moscow version of events , it is probable that the highly publicised nature of the trials , the seemingly endless ramifications of the anti-state activities exposed , did little to boost his confidence in the future development of the Soviet state itself .
3 If you are willing to accept the default page breaks
4 Norman is willing to accept the criticism that he 's a white man making a good living from black music .
5 I was greatly encouraged by the good spirit of the meeting and have been very heartened since then by the mature christian attitude of a number of people who were strongly opposed to the project , but who have been willing to accept the decision of the church meeting and move on from there .
6 Professor Dinwiddy was more willing to accept the existence of a revolutionary movement in Lancashire and the West Riding which had begun to mobilise in a rudimentary way and which did administer oaths and invoke the name of Ludd .
7 Mr French conceded that that could in time be a major issue with taxpayers but he thought that they would be willing to accept the principle provided the countryside was well looked after .
8 The media were widely distrusted as agents of the white power structure , too willing to accept the accounts of white officials in preference to accredited black representatives .
9 I 'm quite willing to accept the possibility of a leak within my own service , and I 'm sure Dieter accepts that also . ’
10 provides a neutral law for parties to a contract neither of whom is willing to accept the law of the other 's country ;
11 Possibly Richard had summoned him to Saintes to do homage and Vulgrin had refused , not willing to accept the losses recently inflicted upon his family .
12 The Seebohm Report emphasised family work with elderly people , but the social workers skilled to do this seldom receive the opportunity ; many seem willing to accept the inevitability of case loads taken up by high priority child protection .
13 But , even if you are willing to accept the connection , do you fully understand it ?
14 So it is unlikely that we could successfully prosecute either of them , even if we were willing to accept the expense and loss of time involved .
15 The Labour ministers who received the Redcliffe-Maud Report were willing to accept the recommendations in principle and issued a White Paper in February 1970 outlining their proposals .
16 We are creating the first annual Hall of Shame to show that personalities are willing to take the plaudits , but do not seem too willing to accept the responsibilities that go with their positions .
17 Miss are you willing to accept the amendment ?
18 The Government is believed to be willing to accept the recommendation .
19 He was soon released , however , and the news spread that he had abruptly reversed his political stance and was now willing to accept the regime ; whether prison or Jessey 's advice lay behind the change is unclear .
20 As a church are we willing to accept the rule of the Prince of Peace and the power of the resurrection or do we prefer to shut our doors to the pains of the poor and pretend they are not there Pause
21 If the Conservative party wins a general election , I am upset and I do n't like it , but I am willing to accept the result because I accept the verdict of the people .
22 The advocates of such a holistic viewpoint would have been far more willing to accept the need for preserving the complex web of natural relationships , and would thus have gravitated towards the environmentalist movement .
23 In November 1959 the first expropriation of US property took place , an event signalling that the Cubans were no longer willing to accept the need for negotiations on Washington 's terms .
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