Example sentences of "show sign [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When he did show signs of depression I could usually shake him out of it , and we took a schoolboyish delight in finding ways to disconcert Ralph 's snooty man , Talbot , who brought morning coffee and afternoon tea up to the library , and evidently disapproved or both us and our enterprise .
2 Remember you can show signs of judgement in terms of your body language ( see p. 109 ) as well as with what you say .
3 A naturally placid horse will show signs of nervousness if it is brought up in a rough home , while a naturally nervous horse which has always experienced a sympathetic and secure home will be quite placid .
4 If there are more or modified synapses , the chemicals and structures of which the synapses are composed must show signs of change , which might be measurable either by biochemical methods ( for instance , an increase in the amount of synaptic membrane protein ) or under a microscope ( for instance a change in the dimensions of particular synapses , or an increase in synaptic numbers ) .
5 I have actually used water that 's come off it and I 've also had er sheds with plants growing underneath and I ca n't honestly remember , I mean I have obviously not used it on really sensitive plants like tomatoes which I think would show signs of stress .
6 He said that , like any machine , the mind needed rest otherwise it would show signs of stress .
7 The budget 's prediction that the current economic recession would be short-lived , and that the economy would soon show signs of growth , was widely doubted especially in the light of the latest unemployment figures and economic indicators [ see below ] .
8 ‘ It is wrong to assume that the woman must show signs of injury or that she must always physically resist before there can be a conviction for rape .
9 Therefore , when the next plane arrives , he will also show signs of tension , stress and fear .
10 After the vaginal examination a small sample will be taken from the urethra as this site may also be infected or may show signs of inflammation .
11 That the economy did not show signs of recovery once hostilities had ceased had more to do with the political choices made by the Franco regime than with the economic structures themselves .
12 Such communications may clearly show signs of similarity to our own human allocation of emotions and feelings — anger , affection , dominance and so on — but of how a chimpanzee actually feels anger , we have little comprehension .
13 It is unlikely at this time of year , and so soon after lifting , but if the plants do show signs of dryness and shrivelling , immerse them in water as completely as possible before heeling in .
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