Example sentences of "mentioned at [art] beginning " in BNC.

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1 Even the Thalidomide formula mentioned at the beginning of this chapter was only released after rigorous testing , save in one tragic area .
2 As mentioned at the beginning , oil paints dry by oxidisation .
3 As mentioned at the beginning , oil paints dry by oxidisation .
4 Answering this question involves reference to the second group of facts which were mentioned at the beginning of this discussion facts about the systematic differences in the life-experience of women and men .
5 Given our account of causal circumstances , that is fundamentally to say , in line with the independent conditional ( 5 ) set out in Section I .3 and mentioned at the beginning of this section , that for a to have the power to produce b is for roughly this to be true : if A & C , even if X , still B — where C asserts the existence of other conditions or events .
6 The problems outlined ( they are not imaginary ones ) in the paragraph before the last overlap the third group mentioned at the beginning of this chapter .
7 In Turkey , near the Chalk cliff mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 1 , there is a great jumble of Cretaceous blocks resting , with a very irregular junction , on Eocene nummulitic marls .
8 For applications requiring repeated fast positioning over a single.step ( e.g. the teletype carriage positioning application mentioned at the beginning of this section ) it is possible to utilise the high overshoot of the system .
9 In doing so , one must reiterate that , as mentioned at the beginning of the chapter , one is anticipating a conclusion that will be reached in the following chapter , namely that the " Mustakimzade tradition " , for all its faults , is perhaps marginally less unsatisfactory than other accounts of the origins of the Muftilik , though as has been , and will be , seen , there is very little in the way of solid evidence even for it .
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