Example sentences of "man 's inhumanity to " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because he is in many ways an absolutely objective choreographer , he successfully exposes his deeply held views on society and its problems , in particular man 's inhumanity to man , through dance .
2 Other choreographers find disturbing themes of madness , the tragedy of war and man 's inhumanity to man .
3 This was no better reflected than in his creation of A Distant Drummer with its horrific theme of man 's inhumanity to man , where ritual warlike movements were applied to the jack-booted soldiers of Nazi Germany .
4 Man 's inhumanity to Man ’
5 Such influences seriously affect all movement and behaviour , most noticeably in the works listed against ‘ Man 's inhumanity to Man ’ , where the ‘ little man ’ is manipulated by others .
6 There is a great deal of man 's inhumanity to man as evinced in the use of torture on political prisoners or the application of apartheid to other races .
7 Their failure was that , because of man 's inhumanity to his fellow beings , they did not fulfil their potential .
8 On 8 December , the former prime minister , Stanley Baldwin ( Lord Baldwin ) , had made a successful radio appeal on behalf of refugees , ‘ the victims … of an explosion of man 's inhumanity to man ’ .
9 Reports come from Sudan , where the harshness of nature is compounded by man 's inhumanity to man — or rather to women and children ; and from Zimbabwe , where drought is putting many lives at risk , especially , as usual , those of young children .
10 The real cause of war and strife is not religion , but man 's inhumanity to man .
11 Joffe 's pious vision of man 's inhumanity to man all comes together in Pauline Collins ' clinic : it squares off against the local mafia , saves lepers etc .
12 Just man 's inhumanity to man , and the ignorance and the cruelty and the lack of compassion that people were showing — and still are .
13 The NEA continued to make the headlines with equally controversial grants , including a panel-proposed award , later rejected by Frohnmayer , to performance-artist Karen Finley , who in one of her acts smears her scantily-clad body with chocolate to symbolise man 's inhumanity to woman .
14 Even the deeds of valour , so proudly recorded , only added to her depression as she reminded herself that each was committed in response to yet one more example of man 's inhumanity to man .
15 Although racial prejudice is a part of the theme of man 's inhumanity to man , there are also other points to support my view , the most significant being the plight of Boo Radley .
16 Although I feel that one theme in To Kill A Mocking Bird is racial prejudice , I feel that this idea broadens out to the main theme for the whole novel of man 's inhumanity to man .
17 Examples which justify my view can be found in the section in which Tom Robinson is being tried , showing racial prejudice , Bob Ewell 's treatment of his children and Mr Radley 's treatment of Boo portraying other instances of man 's inhumanity to man .
18 But even where there is no real warfare , man 's inhumanity to children has caused serious deprivations of rights and of benefits generally .
19 Man 's inhumanity to man makes nations interested .
20 The spacious boulevards , lined with commercial kiosks , now boast Pizza Hut as well as McDonalds , gastronomic evidence of man 's inhumanity to overseas man .
21 Gertrude Hauser , superintendent of the dogs ' home , is accustomed to such examples of man 's inhumanity to dumb creatures .
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