Example sentences of "does not depend [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The argument does not depend at all on demand growth : it rests on the view that to invest in Sizewell to replace old , but not necessarily worn out , plant will actually cheapen the provision of the same amount of electricity .
2 The currency and power of ideas does not depend on their authors ' continued physical presence .
3 What is more , a technical standard for representing letters which uses Bézier curves does not depend on any characteristic of the machine which is doing the printing : the same set of curves can be used to drive a professional typesetter or a cheap laser-printer ( though most fonts have to include ‘ hints ’ which help coarser machines interpret the curves ) .
4 And our love does not depend on anything , though for years we saw nothing of each other , still we should love .
5 Furthermore , our salvation does not depend on our putting ‘ faith ’ in anything ‘ above reason ’ .
6 The identity of a horse can be preserved through changes of matter ; it does not depend on the identity of a continued material substance , but on ‘ the unity of one continued life ’ .
7 Similarly , the identity of a person does not depend on the continuity of an immaterial substance , a mind or soul .
8 Through faith Christ 's presence — which does not depend on the individual 's faith in order to be the Lord 's real gift of himself to his Church — becomes no longer just a presence for the believer , but also a presence with him .
9 In the same way , the significance of a particular sequence of impulses in a nerve fibre does not depend on the sequence itself : the meaning depends on where the nerve comes from ( for example , what part of what sense organ ) , and its interpretation depends on where it goes to ( that is , to what part of the brain ) .
10 A ‘ renewable energy source ’ is one which does not depend on finite reserves of either fossil or nuclear fuels .
11 For there is none here who does not depend on someone .
12 Advantages of fructosamine are that it does not depend on the haemoglobin level and it will probably be considerably cheaper .
13 The simulation process is parallel , since one simulation does not depend on the outcome of a previous one .
14 The major advantage of this method is that it does not depend on the calculation of MNI , which at best is an unreliable estimate of the true numbers of individuals in a sample .
15 A trust is what is left not in the words of the civil law but as a request , and does not depend on the rigour of the civil law but on the intention of the settlor .
16 The use of the material does not depend on the presence of a lecturer or a librarian .
17 In this theory , the real demand for money is proportional to real output ( and does not depend on interest rates at all ) .
18 It is helpful if the speaker has good articulation ( crisp consonants ) and is able to phrase sentences so that the key word or subject does not depend on a high frequency — for example , instead of saying ‘ Do you know Sussex ? ’ ( key word Sussex ) , they could say ‘ Have you been in this part of the world before ? ’
19 One way round the problem is to script your commentary so that it does not depend on being recorded to accurate timings .
20 This is because it does not depend on the source from which the language as an object is drawn but on the learners ' engagement with it .
21 This , of course , relates to the point made by Johnson-Laird earlier : that an effective ( i.e. indexical ) use of language does not depend on knowing precise ( i.e. symbolically complete ) meanings .
22 Establishing a positive self-image does not depend on a cheery morale boost , but on appropriating the promises of God and praying and planning expectantly for their outworking in the situations in which God has already placed us or challenged us to become involved .
23 In addition , domestic water is generally charged at a flat-rate , which does not depend on consumption , and , in the absence of meters , there is no incentive for customers to conserve water — nor is there any indication to the consumer of the price of the water .
24 It does not depend on race , colour or class .
25 As was stated at the beginning of the chapter , Christianity does not depend on a belief that Jesus worked miracles .
26 Kaplan 's theory would seem to be the-more plausible of the two , in that it does not depend on parents transmitting the results of their learning to their children ; instead , it can be explained purely in terms of human curiosity .
27 Indeed , lawyers and others may operate in the belief that international law is an important , though not conclusive , element of the political relationship between states , or that law has an important ‘ symbolic ’ role to play — in other words , it adds credence to the political and moral case put forward by the peace movement in a way that does not depend on international law being ‘ effective ’ .
28 The success of News on Sunday in financial terms does not depend on this outmoded politically sterile model of operation . ’
29 Critical is the view that the event is stored and that the particular realisation of it in linguistic form is variable and does not depend on stored information of agent , recipient and so on .
30 the explanatory power and potential planning applicability of geographic theory does not depend on the employed and usually specified spatial axioms but rather on the unspecified axioms about individual and group behaviour .
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