Example sentences of "does [adv] amount to " in BNC.

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1 The Conservative case is that the present economic situation does not amount to a crisis .
2 This does not amount to a recognition of the authority of that government .
3 The components of a chemical compound can be identified and their concentrations measured , but unless it has already been proved that the particular component identified is odorous at the concentration encountered , such measurements will have little evidential value in proving the odour complained of either does or does not amount to a nuisance at law .
4 Should the local authority refuse to initiate formal proceedings for some reason , perhaps because they are of the opinion that the odour does not amount to a statutory nuisance or they themselves are causing the offending odour , then an individual complainant may himself take summary action under s.99 of the Public Health Act 1936 , ( see Chapter 3 ) but may not bring proceedings in the High Court .
5 As the term suggests , these are letters from the Commission to notifying parties stating that the Commission does not believe that there is any need to take action in relation to the agreement or arrangement either because it falls outside Article 85(1) or because it may satisfy the requirements of Article 85(3) , although in such a case the issue of a comfort letter does not amount to an exemption pursuant to Article 85(3) .
6 Simply paying the insurance premium each year without enquiring what cover is currently advantageous does not amount to good business .
7 This does not amount to a rejection of Marx but points to an absence in his work and leaves Habermas free to retain a basically Marxist account of the forces of production and at the same time develop a theory of social relations of communicative production .
8 But it does not amount to introducing market forces .
9 Where bookings occur by an exchange of letters , the initial inquiry by the guest does not amount to an offer to contract , nor necessarily does the hotel 's reply to the guest stating the tariff and room availability .
10 This does not amount to a breach of contract by the hotel unless the misrepresentation is incorporated into the contract and thus forms one of its terms .
11 There are several reasons for this extension but the most important in the case of the declaration is that , being a non-coercive remedy ( which means that failure to comply with a declaration does not amount to a contempt of court ) , it is available against the Crown ; and it is very useful in other situations where the seeking of a coercive remedy might be thought unnecessarily aggressive , and where the plaintiff is confident that the defendant will do the right thing once a court says what it is .
12 On any informed rational basis this does not amount to a ‘ major drugs problem ’ .
13 The resistance , to my mind , does not amount to what can properly be called an argument .
14 In any event , membership of an international organisation does not amount to recognition nor does a vote on credentials and representation issues : see Warbrick , 30 I.C.L.Q. , 568 , 583 citing 1950 UN Doc S/1466 .
15 Section 2(1) does not change the meaning of appropriation but it tells us when appropriation is not to be regarded as dishonest ( and so does not amount to stealing ) .
16 Price leadership is not illegal , and ‘ conscious parallelism ’ does not amount to collusion .
17 But this does not amount to dependence on the political wishes of governments or ministers as such .
18 ( No. 2 ) it is possible ( though by no means certain ) that threat of a breach of a penal statute does not amount to unlawful means for the purposes of intimidation unless the statute itself gives rise to a civil remedy .
19 It does not amount to an argument that staff should be conducting research as such ; merely that if they are engaged in it , there is an advantage to it being undertaken with an eye to their teaching commitments .
20 Accordingly , intimation of an objection to an application for a renewal or a permanent transfer to the applicant in pursuance of 5.16(2) does not amount to a citation to attend .
21 His conduct does not amount to an assault , since his use of force is lawful .
22 Simply taking delivery does not amount to acceptance .
23 Even where the advertisement does not amount to an offence , the Director General may consider that an approach to the Advertising Standards Authority ( a non-statutory body with no legal powers ) would be an adequate way of dealing with the complaint .
24 Similarly , the display of goods in a shop window does not amount to an offer , Fisher v. Bell ( 1961 D.C. ) .
25 The strong correlation between characterization and prenominal position , and " occasion " use and postnominal position also falls naturally into place , as well as the fact that it does not amount to a complete correspondence .
26 However , drawing on an overdrawn account or an account overdrawn beyond the agreed credit limit does not amount to the appropriation of property because the bank has no obligation to meet the drawing .
27 Arranging to receive goods before they have been stolen does not amount to handling : Park ( 1988 ) 87 Cr App R 164 ( CA ) , because " guilty knowledge must exist at the time when the offence is committed " .
28 The requirement of immediate fear means that a threat to carry out violence in the future does not amount to an assault even though fear is present .
29 Knowledge of the danger does not amount to the defence .
30 Obligations concerned with the day-to-day upkeep of leasehold property have also been placed upon tenants , although this implied covenant " to act in a tenant-like manner " , does not amount to a requirement to make repairs .
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