Example sentences of "must be emphasized that " in BNC.

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1 It must be emphasized that relatives remoter than parents , or brothers or sisters of the whole blood , and children of such brothers and sisters deceased , can succeed to no part whatever of the estate , if there is a surviving spouse .
2 In case this formulation of ‘ taking without permission ’ sounds too close to an analogy with theft , it must be emphasized that the crucial element in sexual assault resides in the close interrelationship between the body and the personality .
3 While crime overall has been increasing , it must be emphasized that both the reality and the fear of victimization are considerably greater in some areas than others .
4 It must be emphasized that the goal of transferability applies equally to the practical and the theoretical , to skills and to knowledge , to arts and to science , and it should be the overriding aim of school education .
5 On the other hand it must be emphasized that , while God is the answer to all doubt , theologically correct God-answers are not necessarily the answer .
6 It must be emphasized that there is nothing very special about thin glass fibres which is specifically due to their thinness as such .
7 Finally , it must be emphasized that social workers need confidence in handling research as evaluative studies will reveal disappointments as well as achievements .
8 Having said that there is a partial loss of orientation in the Arabic version , it must be emphasized that the Arabic version does display a reasonable level of thematic continuity in its own right .
9 Furthermore , it must be emphasized that legal concepts do not necessarily have the same meaning in Community law and in the law of the various Member States .
10 Provided , therefore , that the basis of the distinction between and was originally geographical-and it must be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation , albeit perhaps the most tenable on-it seems likely that they had come into currency before the middle of the sixteenth century , before the distinction between the geographical locations of the medreses had begun to become blurred .
11 However it must be emphasized that the primary aims of the evaluation were to review the architectural assumptions outlined in Chapters 2 and 3 and to guide further research .
12 Although it must be emphasized that fault-related landforms can be important in areas remote from plate boundaries it will be useful to consider them briefly here .
13 It must be emphasized that , like them or not , metronome marks and associated forms of measurement , including the perspective gained from automatic mechanical instruments , are all the hard evidence we have about actual tempos of the past .
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