Example sentences of "many [noun pl] [verb] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Edward Hulmes , who has contributed one volume to the Effective Teacher Series on Education and Cultural Diversity ( Hulmes 1989 ) has many times noted that RE is for teachers as much as for pupils .
2 Indeed many builders feel that UK exclusion will hinder the transfer of construction workers throughout the EC and that it is only a matter of time before , say , a German worker brings a case to the European courts on the basis of discrimination in employment rights when working in the UK .
3 Many contemporaries believed that Richard was unwilling to wait until the two Kings had completed their long-drawn-out preparations .
4 The World Health Organisation and many authors consider that BCG vaccination gives about 80% protection , but only for 15 years .
5 The old claim many enthusiasts made that Britain is criss-crossed with leys is almost certainly false .
6 Many psychologists realize that Skinner 's optimism is excessive , and that variables like gender affect their practice in important ways .
7 Although ostensibly the election was called because of the refusal of the ALP-dominated upper house of the state legislature to approve industrial relations legislation ending compulsory trade unionism , many observers suspected that Greiner had sought an election in order to capitalize on a recent string of problems associated with the ALP at federal and state level .
8 On the one hand , ‘ Many observers found that JPL in the early and mid-1960s had that high esprit and cohesiveness that mark extra-performance institutions . ’
9 Bitter experience prompts many Egyptians to feel that Saddam Hussein is repeating the mistakes of Gamal Abdel Nasser , whose sabre-rattling brought disaster in the 1967 war .
10 The British became a dominant influence in Persian life during the nineteenth century ; but to this day many Persians believe that Britain merely exploited Persia for the sake of India throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
11 Many teachers believe that Shakespeare 's work conveys universal values , and that his language expresses rich and subtle meanings beyond that of any other English writer .
12 Many teachers believe that Shakespeare 's work conveys universal values , and that his language expresses rich and subtle meanings beyond that of any other English writer .
13 Even his many critics admit that Mr Kohl is a mightily impressive election campaigner .
14 Grievances against the federal Government of the republic of India go back to the time of independence , when many Sikhs felt that Nehru and his Congress party reneged on solemn undertakings .
15 Therefore , many scholars conclude that Mark is a source of Matthew and Luke .
16 Looking at the evidence leads many scientists to believe that God made the world , whereas other scientists look at the same evidence and believe that it all happened by chance and that the world , the solar system , you and me are all just the result of a lucky string of enormous flukes !
17 Scopes had broken the law and so lost his case , but many Americans believed that Darrow had won a moral victory .
18 Many theorists believe that Jupiter could well be a ‘ failed star ’ , not quite big enough to trigger nuclear reactions .
19 Many commentators claimed that Bush 's decision to reverse US policy on arms sales to Taiwan was largely motivated by his poor domestic standing in the run-up to the US presidential election in November .
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