Example sentences of "after the [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , I C I , Ingaselectric , A E I , all the big firms , all the er coal mines , all the British Rail , well British Rail in those days , and these large firms trained large numbers of apprentices and then after the five years they tipped you out , I 'm sorry I 'm going back a long while , into what they call an improver status and then you could either come back to the firm or you could go , stay where you were .
2 So you , you 'd manage on fifteen thousand but then after the twelve months you 'd most probably want to go up to say seventy five percent of your earnings ?
3 Tolstoy wrote ‘ War and Peace ’ several decades after the Napoleonic battles he described .
4 After the usual pleasantries he took Mark along one of the labyrinth of corridors flanked with busts of the famous , and stopped before a heavy oak-panelled door attended by a liveried usher .
5 One hurricane was much the same as another to me after the two weeks I 'd just had , and I slept right through it .
6 After the two weeks I spent at Soundback Studios in Ipswich I was sorry to leave .
7 ‘ I said after the European Championships I would be looking for a much more settled squad , ’ said Taylor .
8 ‘ Well , after the potted shrimps we had the beef — and very good it was , too .
9 But she supposed she should n't be surprised , after the angry words they 'd exchanged .
10 Th this type of thing until the , after the three months we had to pass an exam .
11 Certainly if players such as Edberg , involved in the final stages of the Australian Open , felt even remotely like I did after the 31 hours it took me to arrive home from Melbourne before leaving on another seven hour journey to Bayonne less than 24 hours later , then it is no wonder that many of them are unable to do justice either to themselves or their countries in Davis Cup competition , as things stand .
12 It was going to be a present for herself , a comfort after the bad things she had endured .
13 After the brief words I have just exchanged with Stephanie , I promise she will trouble us no longer , cara . ’
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