Example sentences of "after [art] [adj] [noun] she " in BNC.

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1 After the second time she stared up at him , her eyes wide .
2 After the second time she fell asleep , on her front , her face against his chest .
3 After all , she did owe Luke something after the stupid way she had behaved .
4 She had received a few blows in her time , but after the first shock she had swung back .
5 After the first interval she took Freddie Reynalde 's coffee and biscuits down to the band room under the stage .
6 Sally Ann Cattell , 14 , of Birmingham , was killed after the stolen car she was driving crashed during a police chase .
7 She must have been mad to consider the possibility , especially after the emotional battering she had received from Giles .
8 As she replaced the receiver after the last attempt she remembered Marc 's suggestion two days ago .
9 It was going to be a present for herself , a comfort after the bad things she had endured .
10 Juliet , trying to collect her senses after the unthinkable revelation she 'd overheard on Hunter Ward , shook her head .
11 It appeared that for two years after the wrist-slashing incident she 'd been in and out of mental hospital .
12 A reporter in New York learns from a friend , a gynaecologist , that after a certain date she has no more patients on her books ; others in her profession are in the same boat .
13 After a fractional hesitation she did as he said .
14 After a leisurely breakfast she showered and dressed in black leggings and a loose cherry-red sweater that was a perfect contrast to her dark hair , then at ten o'clock precisely her doorbell sounded and she locked her flat and ran lightly down the stairs .
15 After a long while she belched several times , then said , ‘ Maybe I 'll be more resistant now .
16 Then after a long pause she added , ‘ Absolutely nice .
17 After a long argument she convinced the guard we were n't tourists and that climbing was still allowed in the area .
18 After a long time she looked at her bedside clock and saw that it was past midnight .
19 IN 1991 Barbara and her husband separated after a private detective she had hired discovered he was having an affair .
20 But after a hesitant pause she found herself saying , ‘ I believe you had a slight mishap on a film last year — in France .
21 After a recent stroke she now needs help with shopping and heavy housework .
22 But after a few notes she stopped and turned round on her stool to face me .
23 I thought after a few times she 'll stop and she 'll accept it .
24 After a few moments she was saying very natural and quite irritable ‘ ouches ’ when Phoebe prodded too hard .
25 After a few moments she said , ‘ My God , I think he 's dead . ’
26 After a few moments she could stand it no longer , and with an effort she wrenched her gaze away and looked down at the carpet .
27 His presence inhibited her , completely destroying the pleasant atmosphere which had prevailed between Rob and herself , and after a few moments she took no part in the talk , merely listening with interest to Rob 's account of his holiday .
28 After a few moments she had relaxed fully , her apprehension shrivelled by the atmosphere of friendliness and laughter .
29 After a few moments she climbed down to the space station and ran off in the opposite direction to the shapechanger .
30 She made it back to her office and sank into her chair ; but after a few minutes she sat up , combed her hair and decided to go home .
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