Example sentences of "those who had a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This fell into three categories : those who waited for applications to come from staff , those who nominated or requested staff to attend courses , and those who had a system combining the two :
2 In studies of survivors of the horrors of prison camps , those who had a purpose in living , with well defined goals , were able to withstand greater deprivation such as starvation and torture .
3 Those who had a breakfast drink had faster recall than those who had nothing , ’ he says .
4 Some went further and stated that the press must be free to say whatever needed saying ; not surprisingly , opponents of this school of thought pointed out that this gave freedom only to those who had a newspaper at their disposal .
5 Macaulay was one of those who had a foot in both camps .
6 There was blood and people dying and Victor solid as a signpost at a crossroad , picking off those who had a gun , eliminating threats .
7 Even among those who had a connection with the power station ( because either they or a close friend worked there ) there was a third against .
8 Their offices were lucrative , and the king often used them to make provision for those who had a claim upon his bounty .
9 The patients were grouped into those who had a disease extension to or beyond the sigmoid colon ( colitis ) and those who suffered from an isolated proctitis .
10 This compared with 26 per cent of the women without an intimate tie with husband or boyfriend , but who reported a confiding relationship with another person ( seen at least weekly ) , and with 41 per cent of those who had a confidante seen less than weekly or who had no such relationship at all .
11 Young men who had a maximum oral hygiene index of 6 had a risk of dying 3.4 times higher than those who had a hygiene index of 0 .
12 Pupils themselves disliked the way that they had previously been divided from one another ; and although there had been considerable advances made in the early 1980s in running joint CSE/GCE courses and examinations , these were patchy and voluntary , and unlikely to have been acceptable to the more academic of those who had an interest in the outcome of the examinations , especially the universities .
13 In the USSR as well as outside it there were those who had an interest in attacking the record of these years ; they included the ‘ spiritual heirs ’ of Menshevism , of Trotsky and of the kulaks .
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