Example sentences of "those who [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those returning to a discordant family environment were much more likely to become pregnant than those who returned to a harmonious family or remained in the institution until achieving independence .
2 Some of those who stuck with the rebellion had to force their way through the Tory crowd and shake off the intimidation .
3 In effect , professional and financial factors combined with political pressures to strengthen the camp of those who pressed for the reform of ORTF .
4 This competition made conflicts more likely and meant that in any conflict rival groups of Indians would be involved ; those who traded with the French would support them , and their enemies would support the British , so that Indian skirmishing inland played a larger part in the fighting of the 1740s than in previous wars .
5 Among those who featured round the top ten were ‘ NIB All Sorts ’ led by Joe McGovern .
6 At his deposition , North 's aide Robert Earl offered a breakdown of those who knew about the Iran operation , those who did not know and those who knew a bit of it , like a game of Chinese boxes .
7 Although space is at a premium in NOTTINGHAM GRADUATE , we like to find a corner for those who studied at the former University College .
8 This is perhaps not surprising : their preference for home care at the first interview indicates that they have a stronger commitment to looking after the dementia sufferer than those who said in the first interview that they would prefer institutional care .
9 A system of ‘ National Assistance ’ was to be maintained for all those who fell outside the other benefits to be paid for by the national exchequer .
10 Go into the s transept with its rose window of the Last Judgement by Max Švabinský , 1935–8 , the Emblem of Prague City in metalwork by Karel Štipl , 1946 , a statue of Christ by Čeněk Vosmík , a fine memorial of 1921 dedicated to those who fell in the Great War by K. Pokorný , and the statue of St Wenceslas by Karel Dvořák , 1922 .
11 That reconciliation was not Franco 's guiding principle was clear from the decree he had issued on 1 April 1939 ( the same day he had signed the final war bulletin ) , ordering that a monument be built " to perpetuate the memory of those who fell in the Crusade of Liberation " and to honour " those who gave their lives for God and the Fatherland " .
12 Today those who fought and those who fell in the Chinese onslaught were remembered .
13 A higher frequency of transient expressive dysphasia was found among those who wrote with the right compared with the left hand .
14 Among left handed writers defects of verbal comprehension were more frequent than among those who wrote with the right hand .
15 There was no difference in ear scores among the latter subjects between those who wrote with the hooked and upright postures .
16 This development is particularly important in the study of those who wrote in the vernacular for laymen who were cut off from the richness of recollected prayer in the practice of the liturgy and in search of modes by which they could realise the substance of their faith .
17 The patients were grouped into those who had a disease extension to or beyond the sigmoid colon ( colitis ) and those who suffered from an isolated proctitis .
18 Will the Secretary of State take it from me that the people of Northern Ireland will appreciate his expressions of sympathy and those of the hon. Member for Greenock and Port Glasgow ( Dr. Godman ) , directed to those who suffered in the terrible massacre that took place last night and to the relatives of the person who was murdered this morning ?
19 That should go to the rescue workers who took great risks to bring out survivors , the skill of the medical teams and the love expressed by those who cared for the injured and bereaved .
20 Many young men were attracted to the profession of arms for its own sake , and the excitement and glory of successful war were reasons in themselves for service , but some at least of those who engaged with a captain may have been responding to pressures at home and in the local economy rather than to the material incentives that war offered .
21 Those who opted for the unit trust — the South and East Asia Growth Trust — would have been able to realise their holdings for cash at about 98 per cent of Drayton Asia .
22 Next morning , 19th July , all is quiet , and after breakfast I decided to pay a visit to the other Commando units ; 4 Commando and 3 Commando , lots of new faces , not many of those who landed on the 6th June are left .
23 The mixture of reactionary conservatism and political anti-semitism in the main represented a response of those who asked for a stable hierarchical society based on paternalistic deference .
24 Respect for product in the form of dramatic production became eroded and , regrettably , those who believed in the value of drama as a community enterprise gave up the struggle .
25 Over half the respondents acknowledged that dreams could foretell the future , and among those who believed in the literal truth of the accounts of dreaming in the New Testament , this proportion was much higher .
26 And so they processed , the defiant and the hopeless , the resigned and those who pleaded with a silent desperation .
27 Of those who responded to a questionnaire , 83 per cent of women subscribers supported the principle of full membership for women .
28 In comparison to their parent of the same sex , those who responded to the questionnaire were more likely to be engaged in non-manual occupations ( difference 4.2% to 28% for men and 2.7% to 28.7% for women ) .
29 Nearly a fifth of those who listened to the announcement , however , still believed the Martians had landed .
30 Those who rebled within the first five days were then treated by further sclerotherapy and were randomised if and when they were free of bleeding for this period of time .
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