Example sentences of "those who [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were , however , included in the analysis because , being monozygotic , these twins are genetically identical with those who ultimately developed inflammatory bowel disease .
2 Mortality among streptokinase-treated patients was 8.3% for those who also received intravenous heparin and 9.0% for those receiving subcutaneous heparin .
3 Patients who experience recurrent depressive episodes of an endogenous nature , including those who also show hypomanic or manic mood swings , are likely to benefit from lithium carbonate therapy ( Davis 1976 ) .
4 My right hon. Friend introduced a Bill last week to strengthen the law against those who criminally take other people 's vehicles .
5 Those who successfully navigate this social minefield , popularly known as ‘ the Balmoral test , ’ are accepted by the royal family .
6 Bibikov was no liberal , but neither were some of those who eventually made major contributions to the emancipation of 1861 .
7 Lowered pulse , heart and respiratory rate , reduced blood pressure , lactate and cholesterol levels are just some of the health benefits experienced by those who regularly practise these techniques .
8 First , we have divided viewers into those who regularly watched BBC-TV news only , those who regularly watched ITV news only , and those who regularly watched both ( negligible numbers of voters watched neither ) .
9 However , for several years now there have been low cost cameras like Polaroid 's Palette that provided a quick and effective alternative for those who either needed total confidentiality or were simply rather less fussy about the quality .
10 All those connected with salmon fishing , the hotel business , the tourist industry and those who just feel incensed by this cavalier treatment from London , should make it clear to their own MPs that they will do all they can to make the Government 's position even more precarious .
11 So far as the arguments about those who already hold racist views are concerned , there is a possibility that they will be stirred to action by what is said or written .
12 As for those who already receive High and do n't want another copy , or those ex- Mountain subscribers who just do n't want High , then one can only hope that a refund will be available .
13 Joint course with Department of Education , intended for those who already have some teaching experience .
14 Inheritance therefore benefits those who already possess substantial capital assets .
15 It gives additional information which can be used as experience grows and by those who already possess some knowledge of Homoeopathy .
16 Anyway , indisputably well-connected and a ‘ toff ’ and after an initial spat ( very common with Burton , the initial spat with those who later became good pals ) , they became and remained fast friends .
17 The threat to the ‘ young ’ mentioned here by the then Home Secretary was probably the fear most frequently expressed by those who later resisted legislative change in this area .
18 This one has been produced on the basis of wide consultation , with the views of those who actually play professional cricket rightly given the strongest consideration .
19 Architects and planners are usually men and , in the case of local authority housing estates , not of the class of those who actually spend most of their time in the flats and houses they design .
20 The committee would be likely to consider a suggestion by Lord Donaldson that case separation might be needed where the public had an interest in the outcome of a case but it would also play a role as representative of those who actually used legal services , he said .
21 On the whole The taming of the text is very rewarding and stimulating reading , both for those whose allegiances are split between linguistic and literary studies , and for those who only support one of the two " camps " .
22 ‘ In the late ‘ sixties those who now lead this movement wanted to get away from a Christianity that was centred around buildings and meetings and give time to developing relationships .
23 This image he inherited from the fourth-century teaching of Gregory of Nyssa , the most influential among those who earlier developed this negative approach to Christian mystical theology .
24 He suggests that there should be a television programme devoted to unmasking criminals such as those who violently attack frail elderly women .
25 Based on these findings , and on those by Villanova et al showing that : ( i ) patients with multiple primary stones tend to develop multiple recurrent stones while those who originally had solitary stones tend to develop single stone recurrence ; and ( ii ) the recurrence rate in those who initially had solitary stones is only one third of that in patients who originally had multiple stones , we can predict that as patients selected for extra corporeal shock wave dissolution mainly have solitary stones , the recurrence rate after lithotripsy should be lower than that reported here .
26 There was always an enormous difference between the economic perceptions of those who initially had Conservative and Labour preferences , especially those who described themselves as party ‘ supporters ’ .
27 Patients who originally had multiple ‘ primary ’ gall stones always had multiple recurrent gall stones while those who initially had solitary stones invariably had solitary recurrent stones .
28 Based on these findings , and on those by Villanova et al showing that : ( i ) patients with multiple primary stones tend to develop multiple recurrent stones while those who originally had solitary stones tend to develop single stone recurrence ; and ( ii ) the recurrence rate in those who initially had solitary stones is only one third of that in patients who originally had multiple stones , we can predict that as patients selected for extra corporeal shock wave dissolution mainly have solitary stones , the recurrence rate after lithotripsy should be lower than that reported here .
29 Finally , a remarkably clear finding of the Unemployed Flow Survey is the way in which those who initially became unemployed as a result of the ending of a temporary job were much more likely than any other category in the sample tore-enter employment via a temporary job .
30 Those who fecklessly pay huge sums for grimy canvases would be wise to study the results of the Dr Carlo Croce collection at Christie 's on 14 January .
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