Example sentences of "those who [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 For those who prefer something a little more energetic , there 's also a darts board and a pool table .
2 Those who made it an issue were the direct descendants of the anti-military counter-culture of the 1960s .
3 The steward was not left to mourn that his bottles found no custom : there was treating and return treating , and one humble Highlander who could sing Gaelic songs was made the sink into which was poured the spirits bought by sundry odd pence ; and , to the satisfaction of those who deem it a noble accomplishment the filling a man drunk , this Celt was brought into that pitiable condition , and manifested the power of the spirits over his brain in rather a curious way , — he was for kissing all round .
4 There were those who found him an oddity and some who were repelled by his right-wing and reactionary views .
5 Adults and children spend time learning to read and write so that they may recover and renew what is best even though it is all sadly threatened again by those who destroyed it a generation ago .
6 Not all the congratulatory letters were complimentary , but I 'm just as grateful to those who took me to task or argued with me or lectured me as I am to those who gave me a kind pat .
7 In the current anti-tycoon climate , there might be those who think it a little tactless to rob your own company 's pension fund to help you take over Bob Maxwell 's newspapers .
8 Cumulatively , however , the aura of association with the US was of immense political benefit to those who called themselves a provisional government but who were still skating on the thin surface of political respectability and had by no means attained a state of acknowledged legitimacy .
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