Example sentences of "those that [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those that resonate with the strongest vibrations will suffer the most damage .
2 Certain of these cash flows may be highly predictable , for example the outflows associated with fixed interest debt ; others may be very difficult to predict , for example those associated with fluctuating commodity prices or those that depend on the vagaries of consumer taste and fashion .
4 Well they did a lot of them are actually country songs that were like Old Flames and and even the Black Sheep was was an American song which we you know and yes you know if you send them back to America , Old Flames for instance is often back on the American those that played on the Irish programme .
5 And we walked down clubbing right and left , and we cleared the streets and those that fell to the floor were carried off by those who had hidden behind when we went past .
6 There are a few that are changed before that and there are those that go beyond the legal limit .
7 Sub-cultures may be important to the marketer because of their effect on the type and brands of products and services demanded by those that adhere to the values of the sub-culture .
8 This view characterises most sociological explanations of crime , including those that fall into the third category of causal explanation : invention .
9 An observer at a distance from the black hole can measure only the outgoing particles , and he can not correlate them with those that fall into the hole because he can not observe them .
10 If people understood formal legislation as only a matter of negotiated solutions to discrete problems , with no underlying commitment to any more fundamental public conception of justice , they would draw a sharp distinction between two kinds of encounters with fellow citizens : those that fall within and those that fall outside the scope of some past political decision .
11 Those that die in the EPS , the Sandinista People 's Army , get buried beneath the plain stone slab at a military cemetery .
12 Many of the victims , of course , were badly burned after death by the fires that swept the town , but even those that died in the open showed severe burns on their bodies , even though in many cases their clothes were not even singed .
13 The first cells to leave will form proximal structures , like the humerus , whereas those that remain in the progress zone longest will form the tips of the digits .
14 Stage 3 Making Operating Decisions — Operating decisions are those that focus on the efficient use of resources available to the firm in the short term and will be embodied in plans , conventionally referred to as budgets .
15 The priest could n't have looked more relieved if he had completed a mission to those that dwell in the waters that are below the earth .
16 As Skinner ( 1985 ) points out , plants or clones derived from the parent plant are not always genetically identical and those that differ from the parent plant are known as somatic variants or ‘ sports ’ .
17 Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were in office in conditions far removed from those that prevailed at the beginning of the decade .
18 Peters and Waterman found the excellent companies were those that kept to the business they knew best .
19 I have enjoyed all the contributions , particularly those that touched on the way that crime affects constituents who live in districts such as Cardiff and Sandwell .
20 Labour 's 1983 election manifesto pledged the party to ‘ take action to abolish the undemocratic House of Lords as quickly as possible and , as an interim measure , introduce a bill in the first session of Parliament to remove its legislative powers — with the exception of those that relate to the life of a parliament ’ .
21 Some of the holidays that cater for the younger element may still be slanted towards pairing people off , but those that cater for the older age groups are not .
22 Contrasting binding on the leading edges of curtains ( those that come to the centre ) will give a sharp definition and a smart finish .
23 people I know and the only ones I really know are those that come in the shop .
24 For the sake of clarity , one possible solution is to provide that the SSAPs to be used are those that applied at a specified date even if changed subsequently between exchange and completion .
25 As he explained it at the briefings and again at his trial , three years later , ‘ The only people in the conflict in Nicaragua that are today buried beneath a cross are those that fight for the resistance .
26 Those that live in the deep south of Thuringian hills even refer to themselves as the ‘ Mountain Republic ’ , and for those that speak German , their rolling accent can be fun to try and mimic !
27 Many of those that live in the sea secrete shells with the most elaborate structure of silica or lime .
28 In the case of processes , the division between those that make up the longue durée and those that belong to the sphere of conjonctures is bound to be rough ; there is no absolute division between a gradual increase in population lasting for a century and a cycle of growth and decline lasting a mere seventy-five years , a fact reflected in the organisation of La Méditerranée .
29 This is often confused with a lot of idealistic nonsense about the inevitability of progress , often coupled with ignorant nonsense about evolution " violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics " ( those that belong to the half of the educated population that , according to the novelist C. P. Snow , know what the Second Law is , will realize that it is no more violated by evolution than it is violated by the growth of a baby ) .
30 My final message is to repeat that I think that Britain needs an organisation of researchers under 40 like those that exist in the United States and Australia .
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