Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] [modal v] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this is fairly obvious ; when people are confused and insecure ( as many Catholics are especially today ) it is incumbent on all of us who teach and preach ( in whatever capacity ) to have a proper respect for the needs and weaknesses of those who may be listening .
2 Some bureaux have successfully recruited in large companies , attracting those who may be retiring early and who are looking to develop new stimulating interests .
3 The London marathon approaches , would you believe , and one of those who 'll be taking part is Clive Guthrie from Bicester .
4 It is structured to provide information for those who have to ‘ flesh out ’ a module as well as discussing criterion-referenced assessment and choice of assessment instruments in more detail for those who might be thinking of developing their own module or seeking permission to vary the assessment instruments in an existing module .
5 Extra staff were brought in to dust and polish , while Paige helped Betty prepare the rooms for those who would be staying over .
6 I understand that local authorities have pressed hard for access to the criminal records section , in particular in vetting potential employees — particularly those who would be working in sensitive areas , such as the social services .
7 To her it may seem that not only was she robbed of happiness during her marriage , but that she is now also being denied the right to grieve as well , for there will be those who will be expecting her mourning to be nothing more than a brief bow to convention , followed by a fairly speedy rise in spirits and return to normality .
8 Secondly , what are the mother tongues of those who will be using the grammar to learn the language ? if the mother tongue is related to the target language , many features which the languages have in common will not need to be drilled .
9 Database creation is the process of matching the capacity , features and potential of the hardware and software to the needs of those who will be using the system and the information it contains .
10 Acquiring a good interview technique is as important for people employing one person to work directly for them as it is for those who will be taking on large numbers to work for a company .
11 The summary which follows is a guide to the probable areas of difficulty , based on the current levels of performance of pupils a year or more younger than those who will be taking GCSE .
12 This is a point that can not have escaped those who will be chosing the England/Scotland/N.I. managers .
13 It has to be remembered that the students whose grants were due to end in 1984 had commenced their research work before the expansionist IT Initiative , and are smaller in number than those who will be completing their research work ( or grant entitlement ) from the mid-1980s onwards .
14 We would ask those who will be participating in the classes to try to wear either Medau blue or navy blue leotards , tunics , tights because this is visually more pleasing .
15 Considerable work has been done on arrangements , not only for accommodation but for the resettlement of those who will be leaving the service in the course of the rundown .
16 Couples & Families : The University regrets that the above guarantee only applies to single students , and not to those who will be bringing their partners or children with them .
17 Soldiers in the Cheshire regiment now bravely trying to keep the peace among the warring factions are among those who will be praying for a fresh initiative .
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