Example sentences of "those [Wh det] [vb past] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Ceylon , stations ranged from those which served the elegant bungalow coastal suburbs of Colombo and those used by Europeans seeking refreshment at the hill stations or at Mount Lavinia to special ‘ coolie ’ stations , where the Tamil labour migrants introduced from South India to the tea plantations could be detrained and kept in quarantine until health requirements could be met .
2 The least successful schools were those which implemented the minimum programme asked for by GIST : administration of questionnaires to children , allowing women visitors into the school and piloting , more or less reluctantly , teaching materials devised by the team .
3 According to international development director Edward Sharp , the brands which emerged most strongly were those which adopted a pan-European approach to their above-the-line marketing , but a more flexible , country-by-country approach to direct marketing and promotions .
4 To subvert them would be to incite peasant revolts even more threatening than those which punctuated the eighteenth century .
5 However , other schemes , including those which replaced the old apprenticeship training , do lead to jobs for which preliminary training is required and in these motivation can be very high .
6 Weber was aware that the development of capitalism not only necessitated the bureaucratization of organizations , particularly those which formed the administrative apparatus of the state .
7 Perusing a recent report on the most quoted bioscience publications for 1980–81 ( Current Contents vol 26 , no 10 , p 5 ) , it is impossible to resist the conclusion that those which received an immediate burst of citations represent genuine hot spots in research .
8 During Kimon 's absence , the democratization of the Athenian constitution was taken a stage further : the Areopagus , the upper council in the Athenian state , composed of ex-archons , was deprived of its political and legal functions , other than those which concerned a few cases of homicide .
9 This does not mean that conventional men of intelligence and ability thought that either science or society had solved all problems , though in some respects , such as those which concerned the basic pattern of an economy and the basic pattern of the physical universe , some very able ones felt that all substantial ones had been solved .
10 The fact that a growing proportion of diplomats were now laymen whose fluency in Latin was often limited helped to accelerate this process , as did the fact that different nations pronounced the same Latin words in markedly different ways ; but as the language of treaties , especially those which involved a large number of states or in which the German states were concerned , Latin survived longer than as the language of negotiation .
11 In fact , the proposals for community care received very little media attention throughout the bill 's passage through the Houses of Parliament because other parts of the bill , those which proposed a new organizational structure for the general hospital and community services , represented the most fundamental change to the NHS since its inception in 1948 and therefore deflected attention away from the community care proposals .
12 And the Westminster North constituency of Stormont Law and Order Minister Sir John Wheeler is among those which turned a deaf ear to the fund-raising targets set by party chiefs .
13 If we concentrate only on Japan and the East Asian NICs , the choices , although somewhat inchoate between national strategies , do appear to have some common elements oriented towards re-casting the organizational and industrial relations arena in terms consonant with those which marked the 1980s revival of neo-conservative liberal analysis .
14 The latter group has been divided into those which reported a leptokurtic distribution , and those which just reported non-normality .
15 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
16 The next development was of those which required a larger number of people to build them and became corporate activities and into which the community cattle and goods could be taken and defended .
17 The Catholic and especially Buddhist revivals were partially reactions to earlier activities of Protestant missionaries , who as part of their strategy to gain converts had produced polemical literature and established schools , including those which provided the best available English-language instruction .
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