Example sentences of "those [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is no doubt in my mind that issues surrounding permanent family placement with a child 's own family are very similar to those which surround permanent family placement in substitute families .
2 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
3 Views of human behaviour can be divided into those which emphasize external factors and those which stress internal factors .
4 Undoubtedly the cloth industry was the most famous in late medieval England , but one should remember that its importance may have been exaggerated by its being par excellence an export industry , and , because its products paid dues on export , being better documented than those which met domestic requirements .
5 We have a choice of technologies , and Europe 's science and technology strategy must be designed to promote those which respect ecological requirements , enhance individuals ' control over their own lives and create new prospects for employment .
6 Thus jobs which involve social interaction with other workers are generally more satisfying than socially isolated work ; monotonous , repetitive work is more likely to be linked with job dissatisfaction than more varied work ; jobs which involve responsibility and the ability to organize work time and work methods are generally preferred over those which lack these qualities , and so forth .
7 Several theoretical positions have been developed to analyse local politics , broadly grouped into those which highlight local autonomy , and those which stress the role of national government and non-local determinants of change .
8 Derrida 's recognition of a tension created between the play of language and history has been matched in recent years by an attempt by some critics to force a polarisation between critical activities which embrace history from those which embrace linguistic theory .
9 The asterisked entries are those which show significant differences between the passages according to the chi square test of statistical significance .
10 An understanding of this should have been well and truly introduced into the minds of children by the time they are old enough to play such games as those which simulate parental behaviour .
11 Leading 10-8 and within a frame of the title , Wattana had the sublime confidence of youth to go for the $100,000 jackpot prize on offer for a 147 , choosing reds more suitable for continuing the red-black sequence than those which offered maximum certainty of winning the title-clinching frame .
12 In another way , however , it can be seen as responsibly encouraging readers to challenge for themselves cultural codes and established patterns of thought , including some of those which make contemporary history so intractable .
13 Then you have to divide them up into those which make slender trees and others which remain as bushes with a fountain-like outline .
14 Every plant must earn its keep in a small garden — so those which make good garden plants and provide fresh and dried material for flower arranging must be top of the list .
15 It has been made clear from the outset that the Board 's remit extends over some 350 institutions ; in other words , it is concerned not just with the 90 or so establishments substantially engaged in public sector higher education that would have come within the aegis of the Green Paper 's Model B , but with virtually all those which make some provision for higher education .
16 1979 , 1982 ) , not only do stags that hold large harems hold them for longer within particular breeding seasons than those which hold smaller harems ( Fig. 23. 1a ) , but individuals that are consistently successful in securing large harems throughout their lives tend to live longer than their less successful competitors ( Fig. 23.1b ) .
17 Issues such as whether there has been a decline in the proportion of ‘ good ’ jobs , ie those which are highly skilled , stimulating , well-paid and secure and with good opportunities for career progression , and whether there has been an increase in ‘ bad ’ jobs , ie those which require low skill , are boring , poorly-paid , insecure with limited opportunity for career advancement , will be addressed .
18 The correlations with the various scales give some indication of what types of situation subjects think of as risky , particularly those which require high levels of concentration , feel stressful and make them feel they are not in control .
19 The reduction in energy intensity resulted from energy efficiency improvements ( performing the same task using less energy ) , energy conservation measures ( making do with less energy ) and shifts in the mix of goods and services produced to favour those which require less energy input .
20 Pupils should be taught how to spell words which occur frequently in their writing , or which are important to them , and those which exemplify regular spelling patterns .
21 It is through such activities and practices as those which characterise pupil-teacher interaction in the classroom that school knowledge is daily negotiated and reproduced .
22 Other differences may be cited : only in c and d can open take — s as an affix , and only in a and b can open be modified by wide ; c and d differ in that the noun phrases which form normal subjects of open in c are those which form normal objects of open in d ( and similarly with odd subjects in c ) , so that , for example , the normality of The book opened is paralleled by that of John opened the book , and the oddness of ?
23 Oxidisation films , such as those which protect stainless steel , similarly provide a physical key for soil that might otherwise not adhere to the material .
24 In May 1990 an advisory committee of America 's Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) said omeprazole could be used to treat all duodenal ulcers , not just those which cause severe gut conditions .
25 From an aesthetic perspective , the booths which successfully overcame the white-carpeted department-store ambience were those which staged one-man shows , or accrochages sharply focused upon a few artists , such as Galerie Jule Kewenig of Cologne with Peter Wutherich 's ‘ Literary Watercolour ’ ( 1992 ) , a beautiful , ovoid configuration of books , with titles and spines facing downwards and inwards , in shades of turquoise , green , blue and violet and Sophia Ungers , of Cologne with eight works by painter Stefan Mattes .
26 Surely ( so the argument might be continued ) the interesting cases of knowledge are those which permit meaningful questions about criteria , and such cases necessarily involve states of affairs that are in some sense publicly accessible .
27 It was the only chemical from all those which showed any potential for cancer treatment .
28 All oriental rug designs can be broadly divided into those which employ naturalistic representations of living forms and those which employ either totally geometric forms , or naturalistic forms that have been so abstracted that their origins are no longer recognizable .
29 But you will no doubt agree that the very best staff plans are those which give clear margins of error to allow for those days when an employee is ill or for one reason or another below par .
30 Within education , enabling environments are those which allow full access to learning and free expression of knowledge , skills and understanding .
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