Example sentences of "our [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among the best places to look for guidance are the relevant manuals themselves ( see our Booklist at the end of this book ) .
2 Imagine our horror at the thought that we might now be held legally responsible for the tragic results of an inadequate diet .
3 Things have now finally reached the point which our Führer at the outbreak of this struggle prophesied to world Jewry in his great speech : ‘ … should Jewry once more succeed in again plunging the nations into a new world war , it would be the end of that race , and not ours . ’
4 We seem to spend the whole of our adolescence at the mercy of our erectile tissues , bending and buckling to the whim of our most troublesome organ .
5 Weathering is therefore an appropriate place to begin our look at the operation and effects of exogenic geomorphic processes .
6 Well we complete our look at the weekend 's First Division action with brief highlights of this afternoon 's Milwall versus Middlesbrough game .
7 In the case of managing risk , as the first part of our look at the subject ( see page 34 ) makes clear , it means not only protecting the workforce from hazards but actively using its unique knowledge of the organisation to map them out .
8 → I do n't think that our look at the Carlton Combo was anything other than a fair , unbiased review of a new product which just happens to incorporate a different technology along the way .
9 You try selling pasties in the market — something we always did to supplement our income at the mine — but it 's impossible .
10 Our selective emphasis upon locating our research at the grassroots or folk level , for whatever reasons , has perhaps led us to overemphasise our villagers ' stereotypical views of society for the sake of analytical convenience , to divide the world into fixed categories of ‘ us ’ and ‘ them ’ .
11 Our football at the moment , ’ as one sage put it , ‘ is like our economy — failing to keep pace with changing conditions in the society around it . ’
12 Abseiling back down I notice that Katie , my wife , is traversing towards our gear at the base of the crag .
13 When we made our entrance at the church hall everybody stared .
14 Just what form this ‘ glorious revolution ’ will take is beyond our ken at the moment .
15 From everything she says , it 's clear this gilgul 's been on the scene for quite a while — there is no way she could have learned what she 's learned , cleaned up her act and become who she is now if the only time she 's had to do it in was the brief interval between our confrontation at the Mephistco stand and her appearance on the beach at Bournemouth .
16 With all the uncertainty and anxiety in our industry at the moment , it 's good to see that we 've not forgotten the needs of African farmers who anxieties are often far more acute than our own .
17 In more extreme manner we might wish to register our displeasure at the felling of a row of fine trees for a road-widening project by saying that they had the right to be left in peace .
18 Our laughter at the fall of birds becomes rotten in our mouths , and dies in our throats .
19 You published last week an account of our ordeal at the hands of burglars who left us barricaded for 37 hours in a tiny bathroom .
20 Did it exploit the clashing elements of land and water , feeding on our anxiety at the concept of amphibianism ?
21 His job is to look after us both as regards our work at the Institute as well as on recreational trips , and he does his best , although his English is perhaps not as good as it could be ( at least he sometimes does n't seem to understand what we say ) .
22 Our prospective visitor bowed to the inevitable and wrote to us : ‘ Owing to procedure for obtaining a visa usually taking a long time it seems impossible to start our work at the date you suggested .
23 I changed in The Bun Shop and slipped through an alley to the Lion to be confronted by a police sergeant and two bobbies and there was no way that I and the sheep would put on our act at the Lion .
24 Rich is personal expression and influence we mix pigment not only in response to the subject , but through our mood at the time of painting .
25 Alan Hansen , of Ipswich Port Authority , said : ‘ We have had quite a severe downturn in our business at the West Bank terminal .
26 The six clients attending our group at the Bristol Eating Disorder Clinic had been referred by their GPs .
27 I 've stayed at my desk until half past seven , writing up the minutes of our meeting at the Treasury — even doing a little preparation for a series of consultations I have to begin tomorrow in connection with the Annual Assessment .
28 Just compare the broadsheet coverage of our conference at the end of September with that for the Law Society 's conference last weekend !
29 ‘ Much of the talk of our record at the ground tends to be irrelevant , ’ he said .
30 But it was our job at the back to stop him and Mike Newell scoring and we did that . ’
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