Example sentences of "our [noun sg] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Today 's move means though that he German discount rate is below our base rate for the first time in a year .
2 ( King Hussein , our guardian angel for the trip , settled the landing fee and hotel bill totalling $800 . )
3 As we are studying the area , a Land-Rover appears with an orange cross on the side ; this is our enemy tank for the day .
4 If the hon. Member for Oldham , West or I wrote to our local tax inspector and claimed that someone had put a form through our letterbox requiring only our signature for the taxation officer to open up our tax affairs for the past 30 years on the offchance that we might be entitled to something , that would be farcical .
5 our membership tickets for the
6 Then he dropped the bombshell — our security plans for the Palace had been found by a woman , left on the seat of the Tube train .
7 These studies were performed in an unselected group of patients with PSS referred to our gastroenterology unit for the assessing of oesophageal involvement .
8 David Ewans , Lecturer in Art and Design at Napier College , has valued our art books for the past 17 years .
9 Valdostana whites best left to the animals , according to Gioachino , Ski West 's man on the inside and our gastro guida for the duration .
10 Please check our price panels for the savings .
11 I 'll half-expect to see him walk into our dressing room for the team talk . ’
12 We suggest that the following principles should underlie the development of our information policies for the future :
13 We 've never curtailed our lending policy for the right transaction .
14 The FA are still charging us and SCUM over holding back our youth players for the pre-tournament tournament England U18 's .
15 Whenever our reality changes for the better , in a way which takes us by surprise , we should get to work on our self-image fast !
16 So our , our cost figures for the project will include the simulator but in the next phase of the programme .
17 You will be responsible for supplying copy and for the cost of correcting our cover film for the two versions .
18 I am sorry I omitted to mention our guest lecturer for the year in the letter sent out with the QT programme .
19 Our set prices for the different categories are listed here , at the front of the book . ’
20 Our dinner guest for the evening was the most respected figure in local fishing circles , John Kennedy , who is the Fishing Consultant to South Uist Estates and an expert on the sport .
21 We arrived on Saturday afternoon to a friendly welcome from Dorothy , our CHA hostess for the week , and Neil , one of the walk leaders .
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