Example sentences of "because it [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
2 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
3 one which does not exclude the bailor from possession , an action for conversion against a third person is maintainable by either bailor or bailee ; by the bailee because he is in possession , by the bailor because it is said that his title to the goods draws with it the right to possession , that the bailee is something like his servant and that the possession of the one is equivalent to that of the other .
4 There is no contact-tracing as such , but , because it is felt that most of the problem is due to prostitutes ( an unlikely truth in any European country ) , the examining doctor can fill in a form which is then passed on to the police who will undertake a search .
5 Controversial figures in public life , such as Winston Churchill , Richard Nixon , Indira Gandhi , Martin Luther King , T. S. Eliot and many others , will probably attract biographers for years to come because it is felt that there are still new things to be said about them , new perspectives from which their work can be seen , and new interpretations of politics or the arts in which their contributions should be judged .
6 Specialist skills , apart from technology/computerization , did not figure very highly or very uniformly in responses , perhaps because it is felt that these are widely catered for already .
7 To some extent , this will be done simply because it is felt that it is more efficient , or at least administratively convenient , to handle matters in this way — the matters delegated may be ephemeral , needing constant change ; or technical , requiring expertise .
8 This is usually because it is felt that they can not cope with anything at a higher level or with more demanding work — they ‘ can not concentrate ’ , ‘ can not transfer knowledge from one situation to another ’ , ‘ can not remember from one day to the next ’ , ‘ can not cope with sequential tasks ’ , ‘ get confused by experiencing more than one way of doing something ’ , and most definitely ‘ can not do fractions ’ .
9 What the Common Foreign and Security policy represents is not a realistic and objective response to Europe 's security needs , but the establishment of a unified European foreign policy in principle because it is felt that the European Union , as an ‘ independent ’ entity , ought to be served by such a policy .
10 The current study , restricted to the geology of a single country , has identified four relevant theses from American universities during the period , but no attempt has been made to search for theses on Scottish geology produced in France , Germany , or any other country , because it is felt that :
11 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
12 Only because it is assumed that if people understood the system in which they were involved they would not put up with it , and it would not go on .
13 As with his genealogical history , Foucault 's meditations on power are not themselves without problems , but reactions to them can also be too hastily dismissive , often because it is assumed that they are proposed as a general theory .
14 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
15 Unlike the others who appear and disappear as fashion and progress dictate , children occupy a permanent place in the list partly because of their continuing presence as a potential sub-class , partly because they have never protested and mainly because it is assumed that in favourable circumstances they will become men and therefore require attention .
16 Because it is calculated that a retained crew might take four minutes to get to the station the computer calculated other stations could respond quicker .
17 There is also a belief that as far as possible people should be made to pay for services provided by the state , partly to reduce public expenditure and taxation , and partly because it is believed that charges will increase public pressure for services to be provided efficiently .
18 This has been done because it is believed that the State has an interest in seeking to prevent those actions and to punish those who so act .
19 On many occasions assessments will be carried out because it is suspected that a child is experiencing some difficulty with linguistic communication , or because there are other areas of functioning in which the child is having difficulty which may have implications for language development .
20 To some extent this is true , because it is known that an increase in the intensity of the light falling on each pixel accelerates the decay of the charge .
21 These mediators are probably responsible for pathological changes because it is known that these mediators can induce an inflammatory response by changing capillary permeability , inducing inflammatory cell infiltration , and activating the inflammatory cells .
22 Finally , there is no enthusiasm at all in local government circles for elected regional assemblies because it is feared that the regions would ultimately take over existing local government functions .
23 The problem arises because it is thought that the positional errors and attribute uncertainties which are characteristic of all spatial databases , may be propagated and amplified by GIS operations and thus adversely affect some or all applications .
24 In Texas , farmers encourage feral pigs ( which are also hunted — on horseback , with the assistance of specially bred ‘ hog dogs ’ ) because it is thought that they eradicate snakes .
25 Meteorites are studied in the laboratory because it is thought that their chemical composition is showing us quite accurately the chemical composition of the Solar System at the time of its formation .
26 But if its harmful effects are ignored because it is thought that they are too generalised , too subjective or too difficult to tackle , then unnecessary ill-health will continue to occur .
27 There is a tendency to make sentences unnecessarily complex , perhaps because it is thought that a convoluted structure makes them seem more formal .
28 In the courts political questions may come before the judges because the matter is already in public controversy , like race or industrial relations ; or because it is claimed that a public authority has exceeded its powers ; or because the matter concerns the activities of the police ; or because the matter impinges on the individual rights of citizens , affecting their freedom or their property .
29 ( a ) Stamp duty Because it is considered that a settlement is created by each of the transactions contemplated in this chapter ( see p99 ) the documents concerned should be lodged ( together with a copy thereof ) for adjudication .
30 ‘ He says the whole army is unsettled because it 's known that Famagusta will never give up while it expects a relieving ship to arrive .
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