Example sentences of "because it [verb] [to-vb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I know Japan is the country everyone points to , but it is the favourite one because it happens to show all the deficiencies of forecasting and combatting rivalry that are available .
2 The appeal for tolerance by gesturing to lists of Famously Artistic Homosexuals is one of the classic tropes of gay self-justification — it goes ‘ Sappho , Michaelangelo , Shakespeare … and me ’ — and it needs always to be resisted because it seeks to extend contemporary definitions of sexuality back to incorporate historical periods when categorizations of the sexual were quite different .
3 It was a film made some years ago in black and white , but , despite the difficulty of watching it in a foreign language , the power of the drama gripped them both , Sarella because she was a professional and was impressed by the intensity of the acting , and Marc because it seemed to strike some deep chord within him .
4 Put bluntly , it did so because it failed to convince enough people it could deal with the Conservative legacy and had a plausible philosophy of wealth creation of its own .
5 Considering that NFS version 3 , which was a major re-do , is sitting on a shelf somewhere collecting dust because it failed to garner popular support , there will probably be some reluctance to call this puppy by the same name .
6 There were times when her preoccupation with ‘ basket power ’ , with the sovereignty of the consumer seemed part of a conception of political change that was both reformist and restricted , not least because it failed to challenge domestic discourses of women 's roles ; but such attention has to be seen in the context of a commitment to conceptions of political radicalisation based on personal development .
7 Also in Scandinavia was an important study of the mass movement processes on the slopes of Kärkevagge ( Rapp , 1960 ) and this was important not only because it endeavoured to quantify all of the processes that affect a slope in a subarctic environment , but also because it established the relative significance of the different processes and concluded that the most effective agent of removal was running water removing material in solution .
8 For them , the survey embodied the scientific method because it sought to make basic observations of the phenomena of interest and out of this formulate generalisations .
9 Even this better-than-expected showing , however , does n't do that much for Sun 's margins because it had to promise free MP upgrades .
10 In the pilot scheme , the centre 's staff took about 20 hours to compile one chart , largely because it had to do much of the cartography by hand .
11 To some types of mind work at the Chancery Bar appears dull and repellent , because it tends to lack human interest .
12 I do not advocate using a glossy varnish , because it tends to give false readings as you try to shot the float down .
13 Many comments contended that LIFO is conceptually flawed because it fails to assign current costs to inventories held and so distorts the balance sheet .
14 They find the definition ( ‘ a polysymptomatic disorder … caused by environmental excitants ’ ) absurd , not least because it fails to exclude other polysymptomatic diseases — that is , psychiatric illness .
15 It is functional because it serves to integrate various groups in society .
16 It takes a variety of forms and has long bewildered scientists and philosophers because it appears to lack biological purpose .
17 The proposed broadening of the granting of investment aids for the purpose of protecting and improving the environment ( part of Article 3 ) is to be welcomed although it does not appear to square with the basic investment aid objectives of such plans because it appears to mean that environmental investment per se will qualify for support , even if not part of an agricultural improvement .
18 ‘ Not really because it seems to do any good but just because the thinking is that it 's better for him than other commercial products , ’ says Kathleen .
19 Beware of resorting to a visual aid because it seems to look impressive .
20 I 'm particularly interested in the shipping side because it seems to provide most of the group 's cash flow at the moment . "
21 Mr Noyes will claim the MoD said nothing about the alleged landing because it wanted to save any embarrassment .
22 Control of spending was crucial to the government 's strategy because it wanted to cut governmental borrowing and taxes .
23 Charles Kingsley and his associates saw the question , Cole records , as a moral issue ; and valued Consumers , Co-operation only because it helped to provide retail outlets for producers ' co-operatives .
24 Any culture , because it has to retain traditional customs and beliefs , has to be in a sense a conservative institution .
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