Example sentences of "because it [verb] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The area has made a unique contribution to Welsh commerce and to Welsh culture , not least because it produced Shirley Bassey , among others .
2 Foucault is most explicit on this , arguing that what he terms the ‘ repressive hypothesis ’ regarding Victorian sexuality is misleading : because it points to too narrow an interpretation of the family ; because it avoids class differentiation ; and because it is based on a negative rather than positive concept of power .
3 Launched on Dec. 2 , it had attracted media attention because it transported Toyohiro Akiyama , 48 , a Japanese journalist , to the Mir space station [ see p. 37437 ] .
4 Unionist control of local government was resented because it represented minority control and the resentment was kept alive by accusations of discrimination in the allocation of council jobs and housing .
5 Negatively this principle denies that comprehensive rationality is possible , because it requires information processing and computation capacities only possible of God rather than mortals ( Simon 1957a , p. 3 ) .
6 Gainsharing is COHSE 's favoured option if PRP is introduced ‘ because it recognises team work and would be easier to monitor ’ — but the union has strong reservations .
7 But The Sun thought that ‘ the meeting was a bogus one , if it was held at all ’ , further alleging that this clandestine organisation ( which said that it had met in secrecy because it feared Hooligan reprisals ) was a put-up job by someone in the pay of The Daily Telegraph .
8 It led to impossibly puritan attitudes , a crusade against the enjoyments of the artisan , onslaughts on the bullfight , not because it was cruel , but because it wasted working time ; it supported an attack on charity as an anti-social habit , which merged with the bleak belief of later liberals in the virtues of competition .
9 This will be much appreciated because it saves agency staff time and effort in trying to find you work unnecessarily .
10 An agreement in principle has reportedly been signed , but the proposed transaction has to be sanctioned by the bankruptcy court before it can go through because it involves company assets .
11 My daughter finds everyday learning fun because it involves doing things together , but what of the working mother , or the one who has other children demanding all her attention , or the low-income family — do n't they have a right to pre-school education too ?
12 THE owner of a Newtownards pub targeted by loyalist bombers because it hosted folk music sessions has vowed that he will not give in to terrorist threats .
13 Thomas got up at last from his new place in the middle of the table , which he had quite liked because it had leg access to a rung where he could wriggle his feet when he was bored .
14 ( There are reports that in fact No. 17 was substituted for No. 5 and became 349 , because it had cushion seats .
15 Komsomolskaya Pravda , which has emerged as the most informative of all Soviet newspapers because it runs articles others refuse to print , depends on the Pravda printing house , which is owned by the party .
16 New machines , new technology introduced because it cuts production costs can indeed reduce the total demand for labor , that is , for the total number of jobs available in all sectors of the economy taken together at any given price of labor — in other words , at any given wage rate ( Leontief 1978 , 28 ) .
17 A ‘ full auto ’ button , for instance , is very useful because it gives auto-exposure/auto focus/auto white balance at a single press .
18 The old system had fallen into disrepute because of its widespread use as a tax dodge , and because it encouraged conifer planting , but it is recognised that grants are not as effective .
19 More importantly , perhaps , Walmsley argues that the 1967 Act , because it introduced summary trial for the offence of indecency between males , made it easier for the police to bring prosecutions , for when there are no minors involved , the Director of Public Prosecution 's consent is unnecessary .
20 Cobalt is important in the jet engines of aeroplanes because it makes turbine blades resist high temperatures .
21 The best results were obtained with EV1 , probably because it permits user control of the intensity .
22 The Isle of Wight cable does without because it transmits monomode signals on a long wavelength ( 1300 nm ) .
23 However , maintenance is more than a cost centre because it affects aircraft availability .
24 Others believe that light jogging is superior because it stimulates blood flow to the legs , reduces muscle tightness and preserves fitness , says
25 The Financial Times has described the Mars bar as ‘ a currency for our time ’ because it contains staple commodities including cocoa , vegetable fats , milk solids and sugar .
26 The role played by dietary fibre is of importance to this compartmentalisation because it binds bile acids .
27 However , this need not be the case : the lower surface gravity of Mercury could be responsible because it confines ejecta blankets and secondary craters closer to the primary than is the case on the Moon .
28 Winston Churchill called it a ‘ tuppenny Punch & Judy show ’ ( before resigning ) because it inherited game shows that gave prizes .
29 Peter Lumsley of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry says the pricing agreement gives ‘ good value for money ’ because it covers research costs and attracts investments by multinationals to Britain .
30 This Centre can be located as primary developmental because it provides community resources to local families with children ; its objective is :
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