Example sentences of "because i can [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I du n no who they 'll get because I can honestly say Sunday nobody come in and said oh I would n't mind doi being here
2 And I hope you have n't gone to any trouble cooking for me because I can barely keep owt down these days , not after t'hospital , me appetite quite sickened away on me wi' the things they serve up — greasy bits o' beef skirt and nasty little salads wi' half a two-week old egg and a few outside leaves o' lettuce and a bit o' wet beetroot , no , it was an effort getting it down , let alone keeping it down — I can tell you , there was many as could n't , eggs from t'infernal regions we got for us breakfast as often as not , right stink bombs , but could you get any o' them nurses to have a sniff or give us another i'stead ?
3 ‘ Well , do n't take too long , girl , because I can not bear the atmosphere in this house much longer . ’
4 I speak truth because I can not bear to live otherwise . ’
5 Soon I shall start snarling at visitors and grubbing for nourishment in the fields , simply because I can not bear to think of myself in the same category as Betty , and she has laid claim to humanity .
6 I can not choose something as an end simply because a wiser man tells me I would want it if I understood myself better , because I can not choose ends at all by inferring from facts about my inclinations ; the choice of an end is nothing else but the spontaneous settling of inclination in one direction or other , and the honest or self-deceiving interpretation of its goal .
7 Because I can not speak , they say I am mad .
8 Because I am a writer caught up willy-nilly in the polluted air of our own times , because I can not avoid entirely the language , assumptions , behaviour and weirdly chiliastic bombast so typical of a corrupted age , I can force myself to imagine by what tormented mental process an educated and rational man of some sensibility moves from the cerebral subtleties of Keynsian economics to the animal crudities of purchasing unsatisfactory and momentary sexual release from a cheap little whore .
9 The going will be a bit tough , not because I shall use sophisticated techniques ( I shall not ) , but because I can not avoid producing in fairly quick succession a sequence of ideas which will be new to many of my readers .
10 Now I could write a book on Workers I have known and they are worth a mention here , because I can not think of any other branch of agriculture , but organics , where people will almost pay to work for you .
11 Because I can not distinguish one from the other it must be a physically identical statement to say that I have a particle " there " and an identical particle " here " .
12 Because I can not rely on my conscious memory of my own earliest moments , I can do little to remedy this omission .
13 ‘ I must go , clearly , because I can not defend a policy I candidly dislike , ’ he wrote on 4 November , having already told Sir Walter Monckton , the Paymaster General , on 1 November that ‘ I felt I might have to resign as I thought the policy bad and disastrous . ’
14 But , because I can not accept the idea of total predestination , it has then to be the human being who either succeeds or fails .
15 I lost my friends because I can not see them now and they do n't have the money to come here . ’
16 There must be a problem somewhere because I can not believe this young man wo n't make it , in the end .
17 In other words , I feel guilty because I can not live up to the expectations placed upon me by society or individuals .
18 Because I can not find a fucking man .
19 Here in the final work , the shaping of a total unity , there returns a crucial division , and because I can not read from it , even badly , I will not talk about it , which leaves intact your freedom to go and read it .
20 It is unwise for us to become close because I can not afford to entertain you in the style to which you are accustomed . ’
21 ‘ It 's a case at the moment that I can not go ahead with the case because I can not afford £700 , ’ said Barbara .
22 One vanity I am rarely guilty of is name-dropping , simply because I can never remember a name long enough to drop it .
23 Some days I think I 'm only young — I fell straight away for her [ the baby ] — I used to think before I was married I 'd better get all the clothes I want now because I 'll never get them when I 'm married — but I was wrong , because I can really have all I want now …
24 I can find out anyway because I can always talk to Andre about it , he 'll know er what 's being done about it , erm
25 This is because I can always ask ‘ Would I still prescribe that action if it was I who had that desire ? ’
26 ‘ Fashion now is not boring for me , because I can still have fun , even if the money is made on the more classical items , ’ concludes Smith .
27 You think that because I can sometimes see what 's trivial and what 's important in art I ought to be more virtuous .
28 I have quoted these latter points at length because I can readily agree with them , and consider them important , but what I find politically weakening is the dichotomy between promoting socialist developments which do not depend on the existence of a socialist government and the stigmatised ‘ scheming ’ as to what such a government should do .
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