Example sentences of "because it [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The institutional church , preoccupied with orthodoxy and fundamentally opposed to Marxism because it is viewed as materialistic and atheistic , is made up of bishops , priests , laity and religious movements who , though not very numerous , are powerful , partly because the laity of the group belong to the wealthier classes .
2 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
3 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
4 one which does not exclude the bailor from possession , an action for conversion against a third person is maintainable by either bailor or bailee ; by the bailee because he is in possession , by the bailor because it is said that his title to the goods draws with it the right to possession , that the bailee is something like his servant and that the possession of the one is equivalent to that of the other .
5 They have to do this because it is seen as impossible to have both low inflation and a high level of employment since the former requires a low level of demand whereas the latter requires a high level of demand to keep people in jobs making things for sale .
6 Although qualitative data , which are far more subjective , are usually preferred by teachers , there is still a very strong abhorrence of any attempt at output measurement because it is perceived as inaccurate or misleading .
7 A person may falsely believe that the horizontal moon , because it is perceived as being larger , must be presenting a larger appearance .
8 There is no contact-tracing as such , but , because it is felt that most of the problem is due to prostitutes ( an unlikely truth in any European country ) , the examining doctor can fill in a form which is then passed on to the police who will undertake a search .
9 Controversial figures in public life , such as Winston Churchill , Richard Nixon , Indira Gandhi , Martin Luther King , T. S. Eliot and many others , will probably attract biographers for years to come because it is felt that there are still new things to be said about them , new perspectives from which their work can be seen , and new interpretations of politics or the arts in which their contributions should be judged .
10 Specialist skills , apart from technology/computerization , did not figure very highly or very uniformly in responses , perhaps because it is felt that these are widely catered for already .
11 To some extent , this will be done simply because it is felt that it is more efficient , or at least administratively convenient , to handle matters in this way — the matters delegated may be ephemeral , needing constant change ; or technical , requiring expertise .
12 This is usually because it is felt that they can not cope with anything at a higher level or with more demanding work — they ‘ can not concentrate ’ , ‘ can not transfer knowledge from one situation to another ’ , ‘ can not remember from one day to the next ’ , ‘ can not cope with sequential tasks ’ , ‘ get confused by experiencing more than one way of doing something ’ , and most definitely ‘ can not do fractions ’ .
13 What the Common Foreign and Security policy represents is not a realistic and objective response to Europe 's security needs , but the establishment of a unified European foreign policy in principle because it is felt that the European Union , as an ‘ independent ’ entity , ought to be served by such a policy .
14 The current study , restricted to the geology of a single country , has identified four relevant theses from American universities during the period , but no attempt has been made to search for theses on Scottish geology produced in France , Germany , or any other country , because it is felt that :
15 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
16 The allowance can not normally be paid for the first time after pension age because it is regarded as overlapping with the retirement pension .
17 If these approaches are common to courses of study which advanced degree students follow regardless of the content ( for some will be specializing , for instance , in the field of special educational needs , others in the arts and humanities , others in mathematics and science ) it is because it is regarded as essential that the same grasp of knowledge and the same development of intellectual-cum-practical skill should typify all holders of a second degree in the field of education .
18 Only because it is assumed that if people understood the system in which they were involved they would not put up with it , and it would not go on .
19 As with his genealogical history , Foucault 's meditations on power are not themselves without problems , but reactions to them can also be too hastily dismissive , often because it is assumed that they are proposed as a general theory .
20 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
21 Unlike the others who appear and disappear as fashion and progress dictate , children occupy a permanent place in the list partly because of their continuing presence as a potential sub-class , partly because they have never protested and mainly because it is assumed that in favourable circumstances they will become men and therefore require attention .
22 Because it is calculated that a retained crew might take four minutes to get to the station the computer calculated other stations could respond quicker .
23 Whereas Sartre 's totality was never totalized because it was always still in process and could never be closed , Althusser 's totality is never totalizable because it is decentred and displaced in time .
24 There is also a belief that as far as possible people should be made to pay for services provided by the state , partly to reduce public expenditure and taxation , and partly because it is believed that charges will increase public pressure for services to be provided efficiently .
25 This has been done because it is believed that the State has an interest in seeking to prevent those actions and to punish those who so act .
26 On many occasions assessments will be carried out because it is suspected that a child is experiencing some difficulty with linguistic communication , or because there are other areas of functioning in which the child is having difficulty which may have implications for language development .
27 The condition and appearance of a rug can be affected by a number of factors other than age , and it is dangerous to jump to the conclusion that something is necessarily old because it is worn and in a poor state of repair .
28 For example , a breaking wave has a form which is not random , because it is repeated as each successive wave breaks , but the shape is in no sense deducible from the shape of a water molecule : if the sea was made of alcohol , the waves would be much the same shape .
29 To some extent this is true , because it is known that an increase in the intensity of the light falling on each pixel accelerates the decay of the charge .
30 These mediators are probably responsible for pathological changes because it is known that these mediators can induce an inflammatory response by changing capillary permeability , inducing inflammatory cell infiltration , and activating the inflammatory cells .
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