Example sentences of "because [pers pn] [vb base] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Crilly reminds me that I 'm American too , and just because I know a few words of British slang , I should n't be getting airs about myself .
2 Yeah but how stupid can they be because I mean the less of you are you , I mean you ca n't serve as many as it 's , it 's stupid in n it ?
3 Only because you see the few selected people but generally sports players are quite good looking .
4 You might have a slight problem , because we use the same I 'll I 'll try and get out the cash .
5 We must close ranks with them because we talk the same language .
6 The Labour Party and the trade union movement are bonded together because we share the same objectives .
7 I know , because we share the same birthday ’ . ’
8 This is because we believe the many aspects of manpower control essential in today 's climate can not be covered in detail in a relatively short presentation .
9 Thus the wing of a bat and the paddle of a porpoise are homologous because they show the same underlying pattern of bones typical of a mammalian forelimb .
10 One might even extend the idea and talk of semantic parallelism where two sentences are linked because they mean the same thing .
11 It 's a long-established human set-up , whose name comes from the Old Arcturean quickspeak for ’ family Organization ’ — because they like to affect a patriarchal system and because they demand the same absolute loyalty and devotion that one would show to close kinfolk .
12 Our own genes cooperate with one another , not because they are our own but because they share the same outlet — sperm or egg — into the future .
13 Pointing to the way in which poverty structured the lives of the majority of her respondents , she concluded that ‘ young Black women and young white women become pregnant for the same sorts of reasons , and this is because they share the same socio-economic contexts ’ ( Phoenix , 1988a , p. 154 ) .
14 SNCO 's and commissioned officers pay a bit more because they have a few gourmets amongst them !
15 In practice however it would appear that PGCE courses do resemble each other in many significant ways , no doubt because they have the same ultimate purposes and because the limited time available enforces a focus on fundamental issues leaving little opportunity for additional , idiosyncratic areas of study .
16 He used it to explain how different chemical compounds may contain the same elements in the same proportions — ‘ isomerism ’ — because their atoms are differently arranged , and how different substances may have the same crystalline form — ‘ isomorphism ’ — because they have the same number of atoms in the same arrangement .
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