Example sentences of "one that [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is no clear definition of precisely what is , and what is not , a shrub rose — indeed , some catalogues , from quite reputable houses too , describe the shrub type merely as one that differs from the bush , the climber , the rambler , the miniature and others , and can not be conveniently classified with them .
2 The one that died after the war
3 Which is the one that passes through the filter paper ?
4 which which one the the one that went to the erm exhibition , the one that went to the competition .
5 which which one the the one that went to the erm exhibition , the one that went to the competition .
6 And I think that was the one that went to the police .
7 If this was a late addition , one that went into the quarto at the last minute , the printer may have lost four lines of type in the process — or even cut them in order to be able to finish Act 3 tidily on the last page of a quarto sheet : the very next page , as it happens , which left scarcely any room for manoeuvre .
8 Choose one that contrasts with the current wall colour or wallpaper and see how it totally changes its character .
9 Deserts are the result of a lack of water and if there is a prolonged , fluctuating drought ( like the one that began on the northern fringe of sub-Saharan Africa at the end of the 1960s ) vast sums of money are not going to stop desertification .
10 The second argument about the origins of the incest taboo is the one that relates to the major theme of this chapter and I shall consider it at some length .
11 The vendor will seek to refer to all excess provisions rather than merely the one that relates to the items under dispute .
12 I stopped in a little restaurant and ordered a hot dog by pointing at a picture of one that hung over the greasy counter .
13 The inspectorate er men I do n't know whether it 's the same as the one that looked after the coal field and all that , but erm we we had an inspector coming round every so often anyway .
14 These etchings were produced with a detailed traditional technique , but during the next twenty years his style altered radically to one that verged into the art nouveau school .
15 Huy wondered if the community which was supporting Surere was less one that adhered to the New Thinking in secret than one which simply shared his sexual habits .
16 to get so you 've worked out your scale for this one that goes along the X axis .
17 ‘ The one that goes with the Slow Children sign at the other end of the village . ’
18 The difference between the two countries is that the formal wording of the United States Constitution can be amended only by an extraordinary process , i.e. , one that goes beyond the provisions employed for amending the ordinary law .
19 and outside the porches , to light their number up outside their house , erm people do n't seem to have erm , really changed their ideas very much , we still sell the same type of fitting to people , er the one that goes over the garage doors , on the corner of the , of the house wall , er lanterns er outside the front door with coloured glass in them er things that have been going for
20 Which pickup is best suited to this guitar ( one that fits under the bridge saddle ) and what standard of sound can I expect ?
21 Tracking along the trajectories he can establish that the electron which eventually fell onto this spot of the photographic plate was the one he called A whilst the one that collided with the gold atom was the one he had called B. Quantum mechanically ( that is to say , with the electrons of the real world ) this can not be done .
22 The definition of capital murder — which carries the death penalty — varies from state to state : in Alabama , a capital murder is one that occurs during the course of a robbery , or where the victim is kidnapped or raped ; or , where the perpetrator is on parole or has escaped from custody ; or where the crime is particularly cruel .
23 The introduction of a local income tax therefore requires a major reform to income tax and one that points in the opposite direction to the recent individualisation of tax — with separate assessment for husbands and wives .
24 In all of the stories of enchantment and in all of the legends of bewitchment , there is one that stands above the rest .
25 There 's a remarkably fat one that stands by the nearby shellfish stall .
26 The threat of removal elsewhere , if one 's condition gets worse , is one that hangs over the heads of vulnerable elderly people in both private and local authority residential homes in many cases .
27 Do you mean the one that starts on the Tuesday ?
28 It should be clear from the above diagram that the sentence which forms the most readily accessible link between ( 1 ) and ( 3 ) is ( 2c ) ( it is also the one that appears in the actual text ) .
29 The clip she had in her jewel case was the same one that appeared in the doge 's portrait .
30 Certainly the two definitions ( ( 9 ) and ( 12 ) ) are not far apart ; but it might be claimed that at least the one that focuses on the nature of context makes clear that one of the goals of a pragmatic theory should be to explicate that nature .
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