Example sentences of "one for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 in the information so we had to we had to assume one for the purpose of public consultation but we said that the final decision on standards would be taken er in another time .
2 She has produced one full of legal terms for the Guardian Gazette , the Journal of the Law Society ; one on the stock exchange for Investors ' Chronicle ; one for the Vegetarian in which she was required to make propaganda against meat eating .
3 There was one for every play of the cycle — one for The Garden of Eden , one for The murder of Abel , one for The Sacrifice of Isaac , one for The destruction of the World …
4 The European Court of Human Rights has left this general question to be dealt with by local law , and the matter is , therefore , one for the discretion of British trial judges .
5 Place a blob for each corner and one for the centre of each slab .
6 is planning to appoint two new Travelling Secretaries , one for the North and one for the South of the U.K. ( excluding Northern Ireland ) .
7 Wages are a major component of costs for any individual capitalist and are the dominating one for the system as a whole .
8 ( No. 2 ) , the facts of which have already been summarised , and in which it was held that the restrictions imposed on the bringing of a direct civil action for breach of a statute could not be outflanked by framing the claim as one for the tort of unlawful interference with trade .
9 Whether or not the analogy of the firm as a cooperative family is a realistic one for the majority of labour , this idea forms a crucial part in the ideology that Japanese industrial relations are different because of a longstanding preference for conformity to group consensus .
10 : 25mm x 5mm ( 1in x ¼in ) by the width of the blind less 20mm ( ¾in ) ; you will need one for the base of the blind and one for each channel .
11 Since Parliament has not conferred complete autonomy on a 16-year-old in the field of medical treatment , there is no overriding limitation to preclude the exercise by the court of its inherent jurisdiction and the matter becomes one for the exercise by the court of its discretion .
12 However , the Bishop of London refused Hossmer a licence and the following November issued one for the incumbent of the English Church .
13 A turbulent ‘ eddy ’ is a rather ill-defined concept , but a very useful one for the development of descriptions of turbulence .
14 In Spain , the power of the government is represented , as in the French model , by ministerial delegates to the RENFE board , one for the treasury and one for the ministry of transport ( before 1977 for the ministry of public works ) .
15 There are rumours from other regions of two manpower lists , one for local consumption and one for the Department of Health .
16 At that time there was effectively two values for the dollar ; one for the value of goods that it could purchase within the coastal boundaries of the U.S.A. , and another in the International Monetary System , amounting to about half its internal purchasing power .
17 Implicitly , the programme was one for the reform of the existing empire rather than its overthrow .
18 If the terms are such as to leave the seller free , if he should wish to do so , to obtain more wine of the same description for delivery to the buyer , then the contract goods have not been identified and agreed upon at the date of the contract and the contract is not one for the sale of specific goods , Re London Wine Co .
19 If at the time the contract is made , the goods are ascertained ( i.e. identified and agreed upon ) , then the contract is one for the sale of specific goods .
20 Although many of us in our social use of language may begin from the ideologically narrow position of ‘ innocent egotism ’ , this position is not a fruitful one for the student of language to begin from .
21 However , two further characteristics made this group a particularly interesting one for the study of the labour market experiences of older male workers in a period of high unemployment and rapid economic and social change .
22 There was one for every play of the cycle — one for The Garden of Eden , one for The murder of Abel , one for The Sacrifice of Isaac , one for The destruction of the World …
23 There was one for every play of the cycle — one for The Garden of Eden , one for The murder of Abel , one for The Sacrifice of Isaac , one for The destruction of the World …
24 Many fans believed all they had to do was hand over the ticket stub for the Latvia game to get one for the visit of Jack Charlton 's men — that plainly is not the case .
25 The EC1 Pattern Controller has two pattern width dials , one for the left and one for the right of the pattern , so with this equipment you can of course use the right of the mylar sheet just as you use the left .
26 The topic is an attractive one for the application of games theory and mathematical modelling but , more important , we need more field data .
27 Free impasto work will require a different type of brush than one for the application of thin washes .
28 There were five television sets in the house now : one for the nursery , one for the nanny 's room , one for her and Brian 's bedroom , one for their sitting-room and one for the room off the kitchen .
29 There was one for every play of the cycle — one for The Garden of Eden , one for The murder of Abel , one for The Sacrifice of Isaac , one for The destruction of the World …
30 For Saints , Tommy Turner is clearly enjoying his new role as sweeper , while Paul Deas looks one for the future at left-back .
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