Example sentences of "one which be [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 The business will have a recognized brand name to sell , one which is supported by marketing activity for all franchisees .
2 One way of providing an integrated service , and one which is advocated by the National Association of Inspectors and Advisers ( expressed in the NAIEA evidence to the Select Committee ) is to develop combined centres , which offer education and day care .
3 Now for a motor car I think you can say that the practical desirabilities of a car , and the acceleration and performance and looks are very important , one could also say that the fact that many people have their cars bought for me by the firm they work for means that they will therefore buy a larger car than they would if it was their own money that they were spending , so the market for cars is perhaps not one which is determined by energy efficiency or even optimum efficiency in terms of people 's and prestige is coming into it as much as these other factors and it is determined by who pays the money .
4 A set of conditions of the given kind , one which is followed by the effect if the usual background obtains , is called by some philosophers a sufficient condition for the effect .
5 This is an important aspect of citizenship and one which is recognised by those advocating ‘ active citizenship ’ in various forms .
6 There is one defect that will not affect the chargee and that is one which is caused by the Registrar 's officials , happily a rare event .
7 The anxiety that I will be caught out on the hustings by a clever swine in a corduroy jacket asking ‘ What is the current rate of child benefit ? ’ is one which is shared by all those rash enough to offer themselves for election .
8 Thus , not only is the housewife role specifically a feminine role , it is also women 's major occupational role today : the responsibility for running a home is one which is shared by the majority of all adult women .
9 This conceptual flaw is one which is shared by Coulomb 's law of electrostatics , and the solution in that case suggests a possible approach in the case of gravitation .
10 An entry point is a package through which a module may be entered into LIFESPAN i.e. one which is owned by the specified user and has an active DC referencing the module .
11 The dismissal of hypochondria by most doctors is a relatively new attitude , and one which is lamented by those that have studied this disorder .
12 Now erm my , my , there 's a poss a possibility that the kind of dream you 're reporting is one which is triggered by that kind of reaction , because I do n't know whether Theresa read about this , but in Interpretation of Dreams there 's a famous example that was provided to Freud by one of his friends of a similar thing .
13 For most mothers , the experience of poverty is one which is structured by the need to protect the health as well as financial security of the family .
14 The construction which is put forward by the Commissioners is one which was adopted by the courts in respect of section 4 of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 , upon which section 265 of the Act of 1986 is plainly modelled .
15 And one which was recorded by Link editor , , in July 1983 , just after the shiploader and dockside intake had been commissioned .
16 This was a prevalent interpretation within the EEC , and one which was reinforced by the tone of the debate in the British House of Commons upon the Stockholm Convention , in which most speakers concentrated more upon the relationship with the EEC than upon the organisation and aims of EFTA .
17 Jimmy gave a series of talks , including one which was attended by John Michell and Paul Devereux .
18 There were many paths leading west but they must take the one which was marked by a riven oak .
19 Underlying the strategic variants were similar fundamental objectives : the prevention of war in Europe ; the denial of sanctuary status to the superpower homelands lest Moscow and Washington should become too trigger-happy in Europe ; a continuing guarantee from the United States — but ideally one which was accompanied by overall American restraint in the conduct of the Cold War ; and the avoidance of major increases in Western European defence budgets .
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