Example sentences of "one [Wh det] [vb -s] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In its effort to avoid all church mediation of the revealed word of God , the fundamentalist version relies on the literal interpretation of the Bible , but one which imposes a contemporary Western culture on to the different perceptions of a past culture .
2 It is a simple exercise , but one which offers a tangible link with the past .
3 Feminists need a more dynamic view of reading , one which maintains a political perspective , but which at the same time concedes that there is room for manoeuvre between text and audience .
4 The answer , and it 's one which casts a disturbing light on British attitudes to aircraft manufacture , becomes obvious when you visit Socata 's Tarbes base .
5 Rawls assumes without argument that the social role can be fulfilled only by a perfect doctrine of justice , i.e. , one which establishes a perfect government for his actual society .
6 This is a topic on which McClellan himself has written and one which presents a fundamental problem to anyone planning book provision for public libraries .
7 One important implication of this view of the state is that injustice can not be removed by reform , only by a revolution , and one which involves a radical change in the system , property rights , the content of education , the family , the fiscal system and so on .
8 But a majority of Community governments , particularly among the poorer countries , will insist on a much broader definition of economic union and one which involves a huge increase in resources for the less productive and competitive regions of the EC .
9 A polycentric issue is one which involves a large number of interlocking and interacting interests and considerations .
10 It is a simple enough message but one which has a nasty habit of being forgotten when companies decide to shed staff .
11 A text that uses familiar everyday language is usually more accessible than one which has an archaic or literary or highly formal style .
12 The ideal result is one which shows a significant increase during the promotion , and a sustained , if somewhat smaller increase after the promotion .
13 Science 's negative relation to the past emerges as one of its most distinctive and significant aspects , one which marks a complete break with the cumulative structures of the arts and social sciences .
14 A good conceptual clusterer is one which finds a succinct meaningful hierarchy of succinct definitions of meaningful concepts .
15 A public language is one which contains a large number of idiomatic , traditional phrases from which the individual chooses .
16 But because the weight of explanation is preponderantly biological rather than cultural or social , it may be that women 's moral perspective will continue to be one which reflects a distinctive range of values .
17 A non-volatile solute is one which exerts a negligible vapour pressure .
18 Surveys have shown that a ‘ relevant degree ’ , one which includes a high proportion of accountancy subjects in its content , is the best entry method to the profession for students aspiring to a professional accountancy qualification .
19 The idea that people operate ‘ strategies ’ in which they assess a range of options , and act to maximize their opportunities , has become an increasingly important insight in historical work on the family , and one which accords an active role to human beings in constructing their own lives , rather than seeing individuals at the mercy of large scale social forces ( Morgan , 1985 , p. 175 ) .
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