Example sentences of "one [prep] which the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ideally , it is a major feature of this type of product , and one for which the advertised brand is actually superior : but it could be some general characteristic which , by getting in first and appropriating it to itself , the brand can make its own .
2 Those practices must be brought to an end , and I know that my hon. Friends will strongly support the Government when we say that enough is enough and that if we are to have a compulsory competitive tendering regime , it must be one under which the private and public sectors are able to compete with absolute equality .
3 The answer was ‘ no ’ , roughly speaking , unless one knew not only the machine code but , most importantly , what the highest level language in question was , and the one from which the binary code had been obtained when the program ran .
4 Does he agree that in choosing the alternative route the Secretary of State for Transport was second guessing and ignoring the possibility that an environmental assessment would conclude that the general route that he has selected was as inappropriate as the one from which the hon. Gentleman thinks his constituents would suffer ?
5 The calls , which were in an exceptionally rough and harsh voice , came from an eagle in the cage beyond the one from which the old female had spoken in the night .
6 However , if the above criticism of the partial equilibrium model is put to one side , the implication of Roll 's work is that the only valid test is one in which the various market indices , which are used as proxies for the market portfolio , are examined to see if they are mean variance efficient .
7 Stock buffo characters Marcellina and Bartolo ( Ann Howard and David Gwynne ) added lightness and comedy to what could be described as a serious interpretation of The Marriage of Figaro , not as effervescent as some would have liked but thoroughly convincing just the same — and one in which the complex ensemble were particularly memorable .
8 Here the system is one in which the front-line units support each other .
9 A suspended second ( or ‘ sus 2 ’ ) chord is one in which the major or minor 3rd is replaced by the second to create a more unfinished , open , suspended feel .
10 It is one in which the traditional distinction between politics and administration is most easily made .
11 For at least some Western observers Soviet action was not simply a violation of international agreements but an attempt to establish a greater degree of influence in the Persian Gulf , an area of enormous significance for Western oil supplies and one in which the Western position had already been weakened by the overthrow of the Shah of Iran .
12 A progressive tax structure is one in which the average tax rate rises with an individual 's income level .
13 A regressive tax structure is one in which the average tax rate falls as income level rises .
14 In this context it was interesting to observe that the school which imposed a more summative , norm-referenced , approach to assessment on its staff , was also the one in which the least amount of innovation appeared to be taking place in this area , whereas the school with the most formative approach to assessment and reporting appeared to be more open to new ideas and methods .
15 The following are by way of being examples and are not intended to be definitive : ( i ) where the relationship between the debtor and the proposed surety is one in which the real possibility of the exercise of undue influence in any of its well recognised forms or of misrepresentation is present to the knowledge of the creditor , the creditor must take notice of the position and act reasonably in the circumstances : see per Dillon L.J .
16 A different type of two-part problem is one in which the second part commences : ‘ Would it make any difference to your answer if … ? ’
17 So a ‘ climax state ’ for the modern industrial city is one in which the central areas are dominated by powerful business interests .
18 This will be a price worth paying only if the vital expressive quality of the work is sustained and enhanced ; that is to say , whether the carer be man or woman , the tasks to be performed involve a relationship with the old person and one in which the essential core of the response should be benign and experienced by the old person as loving .
19 It is above all a crisis of and for British capitalism , but it is one in which the working class and its organisations have been unable to mount an effective resistance , let alone develop an effective struggle for a socialist solution : Conservative ideas and values may not be pervasive amongst working-class people , but they were sufficiently popular in 1983 to deliver 32 per cent of trade unionists ' votes to the Conservative Party .
20 Thus the experimental activity and the instructional activity are reciprocally enhanced , and the most effective pedagogy is one in which the two act together , each informing and reinforcing the other .
21 He diagnosed the current situation as one in which the two cultures ( literary intellectuals and scientists ) had almost ceased to communicate with each other .
22 If we see a character walking along a path to cross the screen say from right to left , and if this shot is immediately followed by one in which the same person is walking along the path from left to right , the viewer 's natural assumption is that the walker has reversed direction and is now returning to his or her starting point .
23 The burnt-offering ( chapter 1 and 6:8–13 ) : the only one in which the whole animal was burnt ; a token of dedication .
24 It is evident that the only government which can fully satisfy all the exigencies of the social state is one in which the whole people participate ; that any participation , even in the smallest public function , is useful ; that the participation should everywhere be as great as the general degree of improvement of the community will allow ; and that nothing less can be ultimately desirable than the admission of all to a share in the sovereign power of the state .
25 A tree index is one in which the top level of the index , which is the one consulted first in a search for a record , points to lower levels of the index .
26 This was achieved by a religious ritual which may have stemmed from one in which the original parricides mutilated themselves ( and especially the organ which was responsible for their incestuous desires ) out of remorse and guilt at what they had done and in mourning for the primal father .
27 as the elderly person becomes older , the situation is likely to change from one in which the able-bodied parent primarily provides servicing to the younger single adult … to one in which the relationship is primarily one of dependency .
28 Bede regarded the period after the death of King Aldfrith — that is , beginning with the reign of Osred — as one in which the monastic life was abused by laymen .
29 The possibility arises of a special relationship between Eadwine and his former benefactors , the eastern Angles , so that an alliance between Eadwine and Eorpwald , though one in which the northern Anglian rather than the eastern Anglian king was now the dominant party , may have come to characterize Eadwine 's ascendancy as an overlord .
30 This stress on communitas [ the bond of community ] is one in which the potential divisions between active and contemplative life are healed , and provides the structure within which the prayer of contemplatives is a channel for the release of the love of God , not just within the self , but within society .
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