Example sentences of "one [prep] which [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a language which has no written from , or one for which no pedagogical grammar has been prepared , you will have to learn the language from scratch , eliciting all your own language material , planning your own language learning programme and writing your own drills .
2 This is one of the closest rich clusters and the first one for which a dark-matter problem was identified ( see figure ) .
3 A paradox which allows for an exciting and fulfilling journey — one for which a single lifetime is too short .
4 A paradox which allows for an exciting and fulfilling journey — one for which a single lifetime is too short .
5 Other additional areas that are related to managerial skills , such as publicity , and industrial relations/local authority structure , were listed by a further 15% of authorities , so that this topic in general figured quite highly as one for which a considerable number of authorities perceived a need for external course provision .
6 Ideally , it is a major feature of this type of product , and one for which the advertised brand is actually superior : but it could be some general characteristic which , by getting in first and appropriating it to itself , the brand can make its own .
7 Those practices must be brought to an end , and I know that my hon. Friends will strongly support the Government when we say that enough is enough and that if we are to have a compulsory competitive tendering regime , it must be one under which the private and public sectors are able to compete with absolute equality .
8 The doctrine is , I take it , one from which a modern theorist can hardly escape , or hardly wishes to .
9 The answer was ‘ no ’ , roughly speaking , unless one knew not only the machine code but , most importantly , what the highest level language in question was , and the one from which the binary code had been obtained when the program ran .
10 Does he agree that in choosing the alternative route the Secretary of State for Transport was second guessing and ignoring the possibility that an environmental assessment would conclude that the general route that he has selected was as inappropriate as the one from which the hon. Gentleman thinks his constituents would suffer ?
11 The calls , which were in an exceptionally rough and harsh voice , came from an eagle in the cage beyond the one from which the old female had spoken in the night .
12 The typical case is one in which a factual statement points out that a situation is one of the kind in which an ethical statement asserts that a certain obligation holds , that is , one in which it has expressed the wish that people should act in a certain way or meet the disfavour of others .
13 Now it is sometimes argued that the Reform Bill was deliberately framed so as to preclude the threat of a revolution founded on such an alignment , one in which a middle-class bourgeoisie would have provided the leadership and the lower classes the sheer mass , the numbers needed to carry it out ; and shrewdly calculated to concede just so much as was needed to reduce to a manageable scale the gathering political unrest which might have led to just such a convulsion .
14 To understand them it is necessary to recollect that the period immediately after the publication of Morgenthau 's book was one in which a new behaviourist wave of thinking about the social sciences was sweeping the US academic community .
15 The warning follows a string of incidents including one in which a five years old child burned down the family home , killing his sister , after watching cartoon characters playing with fire .
16 The kingdom is one in which a forgiving father offers people a chance to return to him .
17 In the following extract we see that an equally offensive act is one in which a soft teacher tries to assert authority , but when challenged gives in .
18 The dialectic of autonomy is one in which a constant ( but never static or final ) search for control and coherence needs balancing against a realism and tolerance born out of efforts to understand ourselves ( and others ) better .
19 Or was the change a more superficial one in which a crude , but no longer viable , form of isolation was replaced by a more subtle variant , in which the techniques of the West were adopted to preserve and strengthen an essentially unchanged sense of cultural uniqueness and social order , and ensure survival in an unpredictable and hostile world ?
20 In Germany there were some three deaths that the police thought could be related to such fantasy games , including one in which a self-confessed Storm Master hanged himself in prison after raping and killing his girlfriend .
21 Since the important variable in population size is always the number of females rather than the number of males ( because one male can impregnate a large number of females but any female can only manage one pregnancy at a time ) , selective forces determine that the daytime gelada social structure is one in which a single dominant male forages with an attendant group of females and young .
22 A : One in which no single party has an overall majority .
23 That 's partly because Windows encourages developers to do their best , also , Windows represents the growing market ; the one in which an ambitious software writer can make the most impact ( and most money ) .
24 This is because the present case is not one in which an excessive assessment was made on a taxpayer , through some error of fact or law , as is contemplated by section 33(1) .
25 However , if the above criticism of the partial equilibrium model is put to one side , the implication of Roll 's work is that the only valid test is one in which the various market indices , which are used as proxies for the market portfolio , are examined to see if they are mean variance efficient .
26 Stock buffo characters Marcellina and Bartolo ( Ann Howard and David Gwynne ) added lightness and comedy to what could be described as a serious interpretation of The Marriage of Figaro , not as effervescent as some would have liked but thoroughly convincing just the same — and one in which the complex ensemble were particularly memorable .
27 Here the system is one in which the front-line units support each other .
28 A suspended second ( or ‘ sus 2 ’ ) chord is one in which the major or minor 3rd is replaced by the second to create a more unfinished , open , suspended feel .
29 It is one in which the traditional distinction between politics and administration is most easily made .
30 For at least some Western observers Soviet action was not simply a violation of international agreements but an attempt to establish a greater degree of influence in the Persian Gulf , an area of enormous significance for Western oil supplies and one in which the Western position had already been weakened by the overthrow of the Shah of Iran .
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