Example sentences of "one [pron] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As they approached , she recognised the leader of the group as being one who had been with the previous rafting party .
2 He was the one who had been inside me , so that I suddenly knew , like a reprieve , a baby was coming , my links were strengthening .
3 Since they 'd met he was the one who had been in charge , the one who had called the tune .
4 One of the men sounded furious , the other frightened — the one who 'd been in their car .
5 ‘ He 's the one who 's been at you ! ’
6 ‘ He 's the only one who 's been in there for the last ten years . ’
7 There is one who has been with us a long time — but then those are old maids of course .
8 ‘ And , ’ Claire continued , confirming her misgivings , ‘ his heart is tied up with a woman , one who has been with him for many years now . ’
9 ‘ I was disappointed at what happened , but I 'm not the only one who has been through something like that .
10 Put it on the one we 're going to go through , or the one we 've been through ?
11 No this is , cos Marion and Matthew they like Indians and they go both me ma , start again , they like Indian meals and they 've been round to quite a few and they said this is the best one they 've been to .
12 Erm is one they 've been in a very similar position to in so much as competition 's forced them to cost down dramatically I mean
13 Erm the R M I F bloke was there and he said that 's the second one he 's been to where they 've been doing the training and the launch at the same time and neither of them 've gone well .
14 I 'm not very good at them Mum gave me that one it 's been in quite good condition but
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