Example sentences of "use [pers pn] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We shall generally ignore paralinguistic features in spoken language in this book since the data we shall quote from is spoken by co-operative adults who are not exploiting paralinguistic resources against the verbal meanings of their utterances but are , rather , using them to reinforce the meaning .
2 Female visitors were cheap , a point in their favour which continued to be emphasised as late as 1920 , when the Local Government Board considered the possibility of using them to inspect the homes of widows drawing poor relief .
3 I remember visiting a year or two ago a project in Mexico , where an American organization had moved in and made a careful study , decided that the ideal thing for the local people to do would be to raise chickens , so they put fences up , supplied them with goodness knows how many hundred thousand chickens ; within a year they 'd killed the chickens , pulled the fences down and used them to cook the chickens and they were back exactly where they were .
4 Spices suited this situation very well : they had a high value in proportion to their weight , they could not be produced in Europe , and they were always valued by rich people who used them to mask the taste of the not-too-well preserved meat which was the best that anyone could hope for in the winter .
5 My grease gun had broken , so Paddy used his to service the wheelbarrow .
6 The evangelist Leighton Ford , who told me this story some years ago , used it to illustrate the fear of many churches of the evangelist coming in and bringing all kinds of disturbing , unsavoury characters into the church .
7 I personally registered my version of Frombat and used it to create the Transend Menu Program , issued with every Shareware disc , and the Transend Catalogue which only took 3 hours to write .
8 The older woman pulled out a tray of handguns , and used it to push the glasses and drinks off the bar .
9 She also used it to put the fires out .
10 Unfortunately the church was despoiled of its marble wall covering in the fifteenth century when Alberti used it to enrich the Cathedral of Rimini .
11 But he said Cardow ‘ had come armed with a lethal weapon and used it to penetrate the deceased 's body nine times . ’
12 The American biologist Garrett Hardin used it to summarize the message of what may be called ‘ sociobiology ’ or ‘ selfish genery ’ .
13 The aircraft was sold then to Francisco Sarabia , who used it to break the Mexico City to New York record in 1938 .
14 Brenner used it to identify the relations between macroeconomic variables and the measures of national health during the economic cycles that took place in the course of several decades .
15 Perhaps only William Joyce could have taken for his text , as he once did , Edmund Burke 's axiom , ‘ In politics magnanimity is often the truest wisdom ’ — and promptly used it to show the necessity for the extinction of Jewry .
16 The Christian Democrats used it to win the votes of farmers .
17 The electorate took a dim view of this practice when the government used it to get the consumption tax through in December .
18 Between demonstrates how a multiplicity of different discursive systems intertwine to form the substrata of an individual mind which plays them off against each other , combines them and uses them to generate the repertory of stories that determine how she ‘ reads ’ the world in which she lives .
19 Probably uses it to light the fire with !
20 Freud 's finding was that guilt is , starts off as an aggressive drive in the id that could go anywhere , preferably towards other people , but the superego uses some of this aggression and destructive energy arising in the id and then turns it back against the ego , and uses it to punish the ego , so the aggression , instead of going into someone else or into the outside world , is turned back against the self and to that extent is self-destructive .
21 The second copy is handed to the cashier who uses it to prepare the customer 's bill and the third copy is retained in the waiter 's book .
22 The Serb minority in Kosovo has a monopoly of the local firepower , and it uses it to intimidate the Albanians .
23 He thought Jibril had probably used them to confuse the chase .
24 Unlike most Ghosts , these have spellcasting abilities and will use them to stop the adventurers heading south .
25 One of the nicest and most original features of the game is that while Doodle can take out the enemy by simply throwing his pencils , he can also use them to draw the bonuses or weapons he needs .
26 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
27 It remains quite clear across the years , the topography absolutely plain , so precise in details of dress that I can use them to place the dream in historical time .
28 You could use them to study the language and techniques of advertising .
29 The young Labour supporting , Tory-voting car dealer thinks if Labour won power it would use it to support the IRA and gay rights .
30 Maybe the thought of buying Gazza was the reason Wilko was n't to worried about letting old Batty go … maybe the negotiations have been gong on longer than we know … and maybe ( just maybe ) Wilko has the tape of Urquart in ‘ House of Cards ’ and will use it to save the Monarchy in return for the deportation of all French players with silly shirts ; - )
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