Example sentences of "find out [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 McLeish , warmed by the fact that she had taken the trouble to find out a bit about him , confirmed he had been at Reading University and had worked as a young sergeant in the Flying Squad .
2 I would be very pleased to chat to anyone who 's interested , even if you just want to find out a bit about making banners .
3 I had to find out a lot of things about you in a short space of time .
4 It is best to phone the company before you write to find out the name of the person you should write to .
5 We need to integrate to find out the gradient at a certain point
6 This index enables you to access a variety of options which display information about Design Changes ( DCs ) ; for example , to find out the state of a particular DC , who is approving it , and why , and to look at assessment comments .
7 Recent Censuses have included questions about the birthplace of members of the household , but attempts to introduce an ‘ ethnic question ’ , to find out the size of the ethnic minorities resident in this country , have so far been unsuccessful .
8 To find out the address of your local office , contact : Look after yourself !
9 Conduct a survey among your friends or other students in your group to find out the popularity of a particular product .
10 One thing that I do try to do before writing an article , is to find out the availability of the particular fish .
11 we 'll be going back to the Manor Ground a little later on to find out the winner in our manager competition .
12 The research aims to find out the contribution of the different types of activated information for the successful production of the object 's name .
13 It said McGown had ‘ admitted that he was particularly interested to find out the sensitivity of black females to morphine when this narcotic is injected epidurally ’ .
14 As Jeffrey Richards showed in the first of three talks on Sexuality in the Middle Ages ( Radio 3 , Monday ) , you can always get past a lack of obvious data to find out the sort of thing that goes on in bedrooms .
15 One example of the use of historical information is to find out the rate of increase in wage costs relative to different job categories or different companies or different geographical locations .
16 Incidentally , it enables the Census Dissemination Unit to monitor use of the data easily , both by counting the number of users currently registered and by using the project accounting package VMACCOUNT to find out the amount of CPU time which has been used and by whom .
17 What in fact they want is to find out the basis upon which the plaintiff is making the claim , to tie the plaintiff down to a particular set of allegations before the engineer goes in .
18 So Alexander left the surgery determined that he , himself , was going to find out the solution to his curious problem .
19 Mr Hamilton will be approached to find out the format of this event .
20 In the same way , if you want to find out the area of the shop floor you simply multiply the length of the room by its width , eg
21 Conoco was trying to find out the cause of the leak , before it could decide how to stop it .
22 It is important to remember that it was Alexander 's all-consuming passion for the theatre that gave him the determination to find out the cause of his hoarseness .
23 But I think we should try to find out the reason for your attitude .
24 And then if you want to find out the reason for the tension or how to stop it , what you have to do is look at the interests of those concerned .
25 Marketers in supplier companies will have to find out the nature of these organisational arrangements before they can have any hope of making a sale .
26 So to me the most point thing if you 're an interviewee is to find out the duration of the interview .
27 Doddy 's first job was to find out the extent of the Guinness brand 's availability .
28 Beniaminio and Mario Di Conza have been in the hospital since June , undergoing investigations to find out the extent of organ sharing , before the operation which was completed yesterday .
29 She wanted to find out the extent to which children are aware of differences between spoken and written language , of features that might pass muster in speech but not in the written word .
30 If a retailer wants to find out the value of sales for each metre of shelf space in a shop , he needs first to find out what the TOTAL shelf measurement is , by measuring each shelf and adding the lengths together .
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